Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Goat Coats

It is very cold out there! I have decided that the babies need a little extra warmth. I'm pretty sure they would be fine without it, but what the heck. Here is a picture of them in their coats!

Forecast is calling for -10 tonight and -25 tomorrow. I suppose Maggie will decide that this is a perfect time for HER to have some babies!!

Stay warm!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Big News on the Little Farm!

Hello friends!

Big news here on the Johnson Farm! We finally have babies! As you've seen, little Ali and little Belle have joined us! They were born last Monday, January 10. We were so excited to have them! They were anticipated, but kind of a surprise. Let me take you back....

On December 12, Eric called me out to the goats to tell me that he thought maybe they were going to have babies. I had given up all hope of having them after having spent all spring and summer thinking they were in labor every other week. I had just decided that Pete was "slow" and wasn't interested in girls. And I'm OK with that! But, it doesn't help to increase the herd.... at any rate, I wasn't really thinking babies!!

On Sunday night, December 13th, the coldest night of 2010, Tigo, our fainter, gave birth to premature twins. A boy and a girl. They were born with heartbeats, but never took a breath. it was a very hard loss for us. I even tried to give them mouth to mouth (Eric urged me to never tell anyone that.... I didn't listen). Tigo is doing just fine now. I think she just didn't want to care for babies in the winter! And after all the work I've done, I don't blame her! haha.

So I figured that Gympy was going to be next. I thought maybe soon after. But it was a month later. A month of checking and double checking every day to see if she was making any progress. Finally, last Monday, Lauren came in the house screaming that she could hear baby goats. Lo and behold, I got to the hut just as they were standing. Still wet. What a sight! I was so happy.

On one more sad note, we lost our favorite goat friend, Frank, this fall. Not sure what happened, we just found her in the hut one day. It sure was a loss. But, the babies are helping to heal us!

I plan to keep everyone updated as more things happen.... did I mention that Maggie is ready to have babies anytime??? Keep watching!!
