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Monday, June 10, 2013
The Girl turns 15
When I was pregnant with Lauren, we always referred to her as "the baby". So once she was born we just called her The Girl. As in, are you going to get the girl? How is the girl? Did you hear the girl? We called her that until the next one... yet another girl... came along.
I am not typically sentimental about my kids growing up. I think it's our job as parents to raise them to be adults. So I am always glad when they reach a new milestone like walking, going to school, etc.
But today, for some reason, this is getting to me! I'm going to take her to take her permit test tomorrow. if she passes, she'll be driving with us all the time. That means one year until she really drives. And three years until she drives away to college.
I remember vividly when my parents drove me out to Morris to go to college. They were in the lead, I was behind. We stopped just north of Cromwell on the side of the road. I got out of the car and dad met me and said "we had to pull over because your mom is crying too hard to see the road". I didn't get it. We fought a lot. I wasn't pleasant. she didn't seem to enjoy me. But the act of driving me to college got to her. And picturing that for my own girl, gets to me.
Eric, on the other hand, is always sad about them growing up. He loves babies. Just loves them and loved when our kids were little. So I guess I know how he feels.
I had to look for her birth certificate and social security card today. It was among the baby cards, baptism cards, etc. There were so many there and from people that have now passed away. Like Eric's mom... she wrote Congratulations guys, I'd be happy for one, two or maybe three? Seems like a prediction now that we have three. Cards from our friends were there too. Friends that aren't couples any more. Friends that weren't married then, but are now. People that we USED to be friends with. All of it is a little sad to me today.
So, with this very un-funny post, I'll close by saying, although I'm glad that the Girl is growing up, and she's a pretty good girl most of the time, I do miss the early days when it was just the three of us, and things seemed a little easier.
Love you, Lauren Elizabeth Johnson!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Drive Thru Anxiety -- BAKED POTATO
Recently, I've had occasion to tell this story more than once. People seem to really enjoy it. I'm not sure if it's because it's totally ridiculous or if someone can actually relate...
So, I have what my sister has termed "drive thru anxiety". It started with the drive thru lane at fast food places, but really it does translate into my life. Bottom line, I don't like when people have to wait for me. I don't want to cause them any trouble. Even if it is the person behind the sign at McDonald's.
I think it stems from my dad (aka greatest man ever) and his instillation of manners to us as kids. He is the most polite person I've ever met. In fact, if I happen to burp alone in a car, all by myself, no one to hear me, I can last about 4 seconds before I say excuse me. I can't help it! It's ingrained in me. So, to make people wait for me makes me crazy. Sweaty, twitchy, crazy.
My sister knows this and doesn't share the same opinion. Once when Arby's was having a 5 for $10 deal, I sat in the parking lot BEFORE going to the drive thru to make a list so I wouldn't have to wait. Or to say... ummm. hold on. My sister happened to be with me and thought I was a lunatic. But, I am serious! I just want to be ready! She now likes to take me through a drive thru and say... one minute please... and watch me sweat. And get nervous, and try to run from the car screaming "I'm sorry!" to all those in line behind me. Seriously, I can't take it.
This translates into other situations. For example, if I go to RedBox to get a movie... I will almost instantly hit check out no matter what is there if people start to line up. I did this with Lauren once and we got some stupid horror movie because I just said... hit check out! Do it! There's a line! Saying it out loud does make me sound a little crazy... I admit.
And now, the perfect example of my crazy anxiety... I was starving one day and pulled up to Wendy's. I don't eat a lot of fast food so I don't know that menu. I'm sure it's the same one they've had for 30 years (which is why I hate when people aren't ready when they get to the speaker. Come on! nuggets, just say it!) but I don't know the menu. you know how some places have the menu first then you pull up to the speaker? yeah, well, this wasn't one of those. But I didn't know it! So I was perusing the menu and all of a sudden the voice says welcome to Wendy's can I take your order? OMG. No! I'm not ready! But I couldn't say that. There was a car behind me! So I just spit out the first thing I saw... "BAKED POTATO"!!! Then the voice says, would you like anything else? NO! It just came out. Like I suffered from turret's syndrome! By the time I got to the window I realized the mistake I'd made. not only was I only getting some stupid fast food baked potato, but I had to drive. you can't use a fork and drive! And, I was thirsty! But, did I think fast enough to order a beverage? NO! So when I got up there to pay the window was full of people staring at the crazy lady who shouted out Baked Potato! I'm certain I looked crazy too, because I was starving, and thirsty, and sweaty from the ordeal...
So if you ever hear my kids or me say Baked Potato randomly... now you know!
So, I have what my sister has termed "drive thru anxiety". It started with the drive thru lane at fast food places, but really it does translate into my life. Bottom line, I don't like when people have to wait for me. I don't want to cause them any trouble. Even if it is the person behind the sign at McDonald's.
I think it stems from my dad (aka greatest man ever) and his instillation of manners to us as kids. He is the most polite person I've ever met. In fact, if I happen to burp alone in a car, all by myself, no one to hear me, I can last about 4 seconds before I say excuse me. I can't help it! It's ingrained in me. So, to make people wait for me makes me crazy. Sweaty, twitchy, crazy.
My sister knows this and doesn't share the same opinion. Once when Arby's was having a 5 for $10 deal, I sat in the parking lot BEFORE going to the drive thru to make a list so I wouldn't have to wait. Or to say... ummm. hold on. My sister happened to be with me and thought I was a lunatic. But, I am serious! I just want to be ready! She now likes to take me through a drive thru and say... one minute please... and watch me sweat. And get nervous, and try to run from the car screaming "I'm sorry!" to all those in line behind me. Seriously, I can't take it.
This translates into other situations. For example, if I go to RedBox to get a movie... I will almost instantly hit check out no matter what is there if people start to line up. I did this with Lauren once and we got some stupid horror movie because I just said... hit check out! Do it! There's a line! Saying it out loud does make me sound a little crazy... I admit.
And now, the perfect example of my crazy anxiety... I was starving one day and pulled up to Wendy's. I don't eat a lot of fast food so I don't know that menu. I'm sure it's the same one they've had for 30 years (which is why I hate when people aren't ready when they get to the speaker. Come on! nuggets, just say it!) but I don't know the menu. you know how some places have the menu first then you pull up to the speaker? yeah, well, this wasn't one of those. But I didn't know it! So I was perusing the menu and all of a sudden the voice says welcome to Wendy's can I take your order? OMG. No! I'm not ready! But I couldn't say that. There was a car behind me! So I just spit out the first thing I saw... "BAKED POTATO"!!! Then the voice says, would you like anything else? NO! It just came out. Like I suffered from turret's syndrome! By the time I got to the window I realized the mistake I'd made. not only was I only getting some stupid fast food baked potato, but I had to drive. you can't use a fork and drive! And, I was thirsty! But, did I think fast enough to order a beverage? NO! So when I got up there to pay the window was full of people staring at the crazy lady who shouted out Baked Potato! I'm certain I looked crazy too, because I was starving, and thirsty, and sweaty from the ordeal...
So if you ever hear my kids or me say Baked Potato randomly... now you know!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Mothers Day - the myth
Mother's day is fast approaching! And, as usual, I have some thoughts.
First of all, have you ever noticed the difference between Mother's Day and Father's Day propaganda? Mother's Day... oooh your a mother! You're special. You're amazing. You do so much all year round... Father's Day... you're a great dad! you work hard! you deserve a break.
Back to Mother's Day specifically... The ads in the paper show all the great deals they have for Breakfast! Brunch! Dinner! Implying that after you've spent all year being a (insert adjective here... such as great, good, adequate, tired, okay, "at-least-you-survived") mom, you should now dress up your progeny and drag them IN PUBLIC to "enjoy" a meal with them. Wrong on so many levels, where do I start? If you've had children, and you are even remotely like me, taking your children to eat in public to a place without a playland or a happy meal or a toy in the box, IS NOT FUN. It is not relaxing. It certainly does not make you appreciate your brood and happy to go through another year with them!
As for Father's Day ads... Fishing Gear! Golf clubs! Because after all, Dads deserve a break! A break from spending 8-12 hours out of the house! A break from having outside interests and time and people to do things with! Fathers shouldn't go out with their kids to a brunch buffet for the Love-of-God?!? Gasp! They need to rest!
*** Side note, I know that I am generalizing here, and I hope I didn't offend anyone. In fact, my dad (best guy ever) was a stay-at-home dad. And as you'll see when I bring my point full circle, Eric spends quite a bit of time here too.... But I digress,
So, after one particularly traumatic year when Madelyn was just near a year old, (here's the story.... I laid in bed listening to Madelyn try to break free from her crib. I mistakenly thought that because it was MOTHER'S DAY, Eric would take a turn getting her up. WRONG ANSWER. I got up, fumed and fussed and decided that I would fix him! I would pack up all the kids, dress them up, go to church by myself with a 1 year old, a 2 year old, and a 6 year old! And to top it off, he would miss going out to brunch with us! Do you see the fault in this logic??? I didn't until later in the day. I certainly didn't punish HIM or prove a point to HIM... I nearly killed myself whilst he slept in until noon and thought, hmmm I should call Kandi.. Nope, no punishment or bright light bulb of insight happened that day!) Where was I? Oh yes, when we decided to change...
So after that horrid year, Eric asked me what I thought I would like for Mother's Day. At first he didn't understand how making me a good Mother's Day was his responsibility. Then my dad took him aside and said... She is the mother of your children, and until they're grown it's up to you. And to this day, my dad buys my mom flowers and gifts every mother's day. Refer back to BEST GUY EVER.
So when I really thought about what I wanted, I came up with one thing.... to be left alone. All alone. No noise, no food to make, no diapers to be changed, nothing. Just let me be. That first year still goes down as one of the best days I've ever had. Eric got up and took them --- where? not sure. Just gone. I didn't see them or hear from them until after supper. I laid in bed and watched TV, read a book, took a nap... bliss.
Then when Father's Day rolled around, I said, hey, are you going to go golfing with my dad or fishing with Marty? he said, I don't know yet. I said, well have fun! And that was his day.
We both spend a lot of time with our kids. The first year after Madelyn was born I didn't' work. And with Eric's job that is shift work, he spends a ton of time with them. Even when I did go to work, I went 3 days a week and tried to work super early or later so that one of us would be with them most of the time and use minimal daycare. So, we've got this "spend time with your kids" thing down to a science. And, the fact that we have 5 people in a 600 square foot house just adds to our togetherness!
As the kids got older, they wanted to treat me with breakfast in bed. Yay. So I would get that delightful treat, and then they would leave. As I have gotten older, I've decided that since I don't need as much sleep, and I don't need to be alone as much, I spend time with MY mother. We have gone to brunch! (she doesn't like mornings so brunch needs to be after 11). we have gone golfing. Last year we went to Black Bear and she and I won my beloved Charlotte (my white patent leather GENUINE Coach purse... ). I believe that this, too, will come full circle and there will be a time that I'd like for my girls to take me out to brunch! Lunch! Breakfast! Or some such nonsense. But for now, I'm so very grateful for that one day I get to do whatever I want. For as long as I want. And no one asks me anything...
Oh, and Eric is still golfing and/or fishing and enjoying his day as a dad... without kids!
So take that marketing guru's! Maybe some day you will advertise something that moms really need sometimes -- a break. A getaway. NOT a chore!
And for those of you that DO enjoy dressing up your children and enjoying a splendid meal with the under 20 set... more power to you! After all, (she says with as much sarcasm as possible) CHILDREN are life's greatest blessing and reward.... HA!
By the way, I love you mom. Thanks for raising me right. Girls? Lauren (age 15),. Kennedi (age 11) and Madelyn (age 10) thank you for understanding that mommy needs a break sometimes and may you be able to have the sort of family that lets you have that too when you need it. IN ABOUT 20 years...
First of all, have you ever noticed the difference between Mother's Day and Father's Day propaganda? Mother's Day... oooh your a mother! You're special. You're amazing. You do so much all year round... Father's Day... you're a great dad! you work hard! you deserve a break.
Back to Mother's Day specifically... The ads in the paper show all the great deals they have for Breakfast! Brunch! Dinner! Implying that after you've spent all year being a (insert adjective here... such as great, good, adequate, tired, okay, "at-least-you-survived") mom, you should now dress up your progeny and drag them IN PUBLIC to "enjoy" a meal with them. Wrong on so many levels, where do I start? If you've had children, and you are even remotely like me, taking your children to eat in public to a place without a playland or a happy meal or a toy in the box, IS NOT FUN. It is not relaxing. It certainly does not make you appreciate your brood and happy to go through another year with them!
As for Father's Day ads... Fishing Gear! Golf clubs! Because after all, Dads deserve a break! A break from spending 8-12 hours out of the house! A break from having outside interests and time and people to do things with! Fathers shouldn't go out with their kids to a brunch buffet for the Love-of-God?!? Gasp! They need to rest!
*** Side note, I know that I am generalizing here, and I hope I didn't offend anyone. In fact, my dad (best guy ever) was a stay-at-home dad. And as you'll see when I bring my point full circle, Eric spends quite a bit of time here too.... But I digress,
So, after one particularly traumatic year when Madelyn was just near a year old, (here's the story.... I laid in bed listening to Madelyn try to break free from her crib. I mistakenly thought that because it was MOTHER'S DAY, Eric would take a turn getting her up. WRONG ANSWER. I got up, fumed and fussed and decided that I would fix him! I would pack up all the kids, dress them up, go to church by myself with a 1 year old, a 2 year old, and a 6 year old! And to top it off, he would miss going out to brunch with us! Do you see the fault in this logic??? I didn't until later in the day. I certainly didn't punish HIM or prove a point to HIM... I nearly killed myself whilst he slept in until noon and thought, hmmm I should call Kandi.. Nope, no punishment or bright light bulb of insight happened that day!) Where was I? Oh yes, when we decided to change...
So after that horrid year, Eric asked me what I thought I would like for Mother's Day. At first he didn't understand how making me a good Mother's Day was his responsibility. Then my dad took him aside and said... She is the mother of your children, and until they're grown it's up to you. And to this day, my dad buys my mom flowers and gifts every mother's day. Refer back to BEST GUY EVER.
So when I really thought about what I wanted, I came up with one thing.... to be left alone. All alone. No noise, no food to make, no diapers to be changed, nothing. Just let me be. That first year still goes down as one of the best days I've ever had. Eric got up and took them --- where? not sure. Just gone. I didn't see them or hear from them until after supper. I laid in bed and watched TV, read a book, took a nap... bliss.
Then when Father's Day rolled around, I said, hey, are you going to go golfing with my dad or fishing with Marty? he said, I don't know yet. I said, well have fun! And that was his day.
We both spend a lot of time with our kids. The first year after Madelyn was born I didn't' work. And with Eric's job that is shift work, he spends a ton of time with them. Even when I did go to work, I went 3 days a week and tried to work super early or later so that one of us would be with them most of the time and use minimal daycare. So, we've got this "spend time with your kids" thing down to a science. And, the fact that we have 5 people in a 600 square foot house just adds to our togetherness!
As the kids got older, they wanted to treat me with breakfast in bed. Yay. So I would get that delightful treat, and then they would leave. As I have gotten older, I've decided that since I don't need as much sleep, and I don't need to be alone as much, I spend time with MY mother. We have gone to brunch! (she doesn't like mornings so brunch needs to be after 11). we have gone golfing. Last year we went to Black Bear and she and I won my beloved Charlotte (my white patent leather GENUINE Coach purse... ). I believe that this, too, will come full circle and there will be a time that I'd like for my girls to take me out to brunch! Lunch! Breakfast! Or some such nonsense. But for now, I'm so very grateful for that one day I get to do whatever I want. For as long as I want. And no one asks me anything...
Oh, and Eric is still golfing and/or fishing and enjoying his day as a dad... without kids!
So take that marketing guru's! Maybe some day you will advertise something that moms really need sometimes -- a break. A getaway. NOT a chore!
And for those of you that DO enjoy dressing up your children and enjoying a splendid meal with the under 20 set... more power to you! After all, (she says with as much sarcasm as possible) CHILDREN are life's greatest blessing and reward.... HA!
By the way, I love you mom. Thanks for raising me right. Girls? Lauren (age 15),. Kennedi (age 11) and Madelyn (age 10) thank you for understanding that mommy needs a break sometimes and may you be able to have the sort of family that lets you have that too when you need it. IN ABOUT 20 years...
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Sunday, SunDAY, SUNDAY!
Sunday we woke up and creaked out of bed (well, at least I did...) and had to pack the rooms. Amazing to me how much stuff can be in a room with 4 girls. I have three of my own, but these four... teenagers.. sure collect stuff! As had been our MO, we all got out to the bus on time. I still can't believe how well that worked out. I cannot say enough about the kids and their ability to make it to a place on time. No more will I believe that they "forgot" or that they didn't know what time it was! So, it was Goodbye Homewood Suites, and hello zoo!
By this point in the trip we realized that we did not have to be holding the hands of the kids assigned to us. They aren't going anywhere. They're too old to be abducted... and furthermore, they could outrun anyone who tried. I, on the other hand, couldn't outrun the tortoises. Man was I sore. But, I put on a brave face and hit the zoo. We told the kids that they had to stay together, at least by twos, and to meet us up front. I was most looking forward to the panda bear. There are only 4 places in the United States where you can see one. And the National Zoo is one of them. BUT, who wants to go the easy way and head straight there? Obviously not me!
Turns out that Eric and I were the popular chaperones. God only knows why. But, of the 25 kids we had with us on the trip, 13 decided to come with me and Eric to view the zoo. I know what you're thinking -- LUCKY! I know, right??
So, zoo, zoo, zoo, blah blah blah. But there were a few cool things. One was the O Line for the orangutans. They could leave their hut and walk all over the zoo above you on these cables. They were just up there taking a stroll. It had to be one of the coolest things I've seen. Here, see for yourself...
Hellloooo up there! Awesome.
We also got to see several gorillas. They were pretty neat, and a little scary. I think this one is shaped just like Eric...
After we saw a few animals we decided we better get to the Pandas. At one point some of the pack wanted some Mini Donuts from a kiosk -- Justin, in his infinite wisdom said, hey guys, it's the zoo, we are here to see stuff, not to eat mini donuts. So, we skipped the donuts. Way to go Justin!
As we trekked up Mount Everest, I mean the zoo path, someone said -- Hey, Mr. Reincke said if we started out to the right, we wouldn't have to climb the big hill, we'd be going down it. I huffed, and puffed, and spit out -- "That would have been helpful information an hour ago when we turned LEFT"... but I digress...
we finally made it to the Panda viewing area. I have no pictures. It's a panda. Looks just like it does on TV and in photos. Super cute. That's what the other 280 people piled up against the glass thought too. I'll use the words of Shawn, one of my favorite students on the trip... "It was Panda-monium in there!" haha. It was funny. Maybe it was the lack of oxygen, the burning in the my legs, or I just couldn't get up enough energy to groan. At any rate, it was funny!
We once again loaded on the bus and went to the next destination... McDonalds. For those of you that know me fairly well, McDonalds and I don't get along. One of my worries on the trip was how/when I was going to use the bathroom. Well, McDonalds didn't figure into that! But, the kids love a McDonalds. Almost as much as they love a gift shop.
After they got back on the bus, in record speed, we headed off to the Holocaust Museum. There is nothing funny to say here. I told everyone before we went in that they were welcome to skip this if they didn't want to go. I knew that this was one spot where I wanted to absorb history without an audience. The museum is so well done. It leads you through staring with early years before the war and ends on the bottom floor with the liberation. now, I've read a number of books about the holocaust. I even took a WWII class in college. But nothing can prepare you for what you see there. Hearing about the atrocities or reading about them, cannot compare to seeing actual footage from the allies when they arrived in Auschwitz. Or, to walking through a train car that once carried 200 Jews to their death. That train car was the size of my bathroom, about 3' by 9'. That's where I started to lose it. Eric walked behind me, but knew enough not to speak. Once we were through the museum, there was a reflection area, with an eternal flame and sunlight in it. I sat down to say a prayer, and a kid poked me and asked when we were leaving. I turned around and said -- do you see my head bowed, do you see my hands folded? GO AWAY. I think they got the point. I did hear a lot of kids talking about how I cried -- and asking me if I was ok. Yes, I am ok. Yes, I cried. It was a horrific piece of our past that I think everyone needs to remember. If you ever get a chance to go, I highly recommend it. In fact, I would go again. You can't be reminded too often of the horrible things people can be talked into doing...
This is me and Eric outside the museum with the Washington Monument in the background. I wanted a picture so that I will never forget...
I would like to say now on to the funny -- but we went to Arlington Cemetery. Not a lot of funny there either. But, it is funny that I was able to walk around this place! I was looking for a rescue bus, but never found it.
This is the last picture we have of the kids together. I asked them to please dress nicely for this. Eric is a veteran of the Gulf War, as well as Operation Restore Hope in Somalia. My father is a disabled veteran of VietNam. he holds the Bronze Star. This was a big deal for me as well...
We had 25 minutes to make it to the Tomb of the Unknown for the changing of the guard. I'm so glad we made it. Barely -- it was a sight to see. This tomb is guarded 24 hours a day, 365 days a year since 1937. The guard is changed every 30 minutes in the summer, every hour in the winter, and every two hours when the cemetery is closed. Some interesting facts:
The soldiers that guard it are the best of the elite 3rd US Infantry (the Old Guard). for a person to apply for guard duty at the tomb, they must be between 5'11" and 6'4" with a waist size that cannot exceed 30". (yeah, they're skinny guys! but that walking helps them too).
The inscription on the tomb says "Here rests in Honored Glory an American Solider known but to God". Typing this makes me tear up a bit. It was powerful.
After that we again released the kids on their own. Several of them went straight to the bus to change and relax. I decided that I needed to see Arlington house and the grave of President Kennedy and Jackie O. The cemetery is 624 acres in size. If you live on a 40 acre property, think of that, times 25. if you live, as my parents do, on a 5 acre parcel... well, you get the picture. This place is HUGE!
We hiked over to see the Kennedy tomb and the eternal flame. I'm glad I did. Here, you can see it too.
When we got back to the bus, the amazing drivers, Rick and Dave, DROVE us by the Iwo Jima memorial. you've all seen it, but it is large!
I will continue the bus ride home on the next post! Stay tuned...
By this point in the trip we realized that we did not have to be holding the hands of the kids assigned to us. They aren't going anywhere. They're too old to be abducted... and furthermore, they could outrun anyone who tried. I, on the other hand, couldn't outrun the tortoises. Man was I sore. But, I put on a brave face and hit the zoo. We told the kids that they had to stay together, at least by twos, and to meet us up front. I was most looking forward to the panda bear. There are only 4 places in the United States where you can see one. And the National Zoo is one of them. BUT, who wants to go the easy way and head straight there? Obviously not me!
Turns out that Eric and I were the popular chaperones. God only knows why. But, of the 25 kids we had with us on the trip, 13 decided to come with me and Eric to view the zoo. I know what you're thinking -- LUCKY! I know, right??
So, zoo, zoo, zoo, blah blah blah. But there were a few cool things. One was the O Line for the orangutans. They could leave their hut and walk all over the zoo above you on these cables. They were just up there taking a stroll. It had to be one of the coolest things I've seen. Here, see for yourself...
Hellloooo up there! Awesome.
We also got to see several gorillas. They were pretty neat, and a little scary. I think this one is shaped just like Eric...
After we saw a few animals we decided we better get to the Pandas. At one point some of the pack wanted some Mini Donuts from a kiosk -- Justin, in his infinite wisdom said, hey guys, it's the zoo, we are here to see stuff, not to eat mini donuts. So, we skipped the donuts. Way to go Justin!
As we trekked up Mount Everest, I mean the zoo path, someone said -- Hey, Mr. Reincke said if we started out to the right, we wouldn't have to climb the big hill, we'd be going down it. I huffed, and puffed, and spit out -- "That would have been helpful information an hour ago when we turned LEFT"... but I digress...
we finally made it to the Panda viewing area. I have no pictures. It's a panda. Looks just like it does on TV and in photos. Super cute. That's what the other 280 people piled up against the glass thought too. I'll use the words of Shawn, one of my favorite students on the trip... "It was Panda-monium in there!" haha. It was funny. Maybe it was the lack of oxygen, the burning in the my legs, or I just couldn't get up enough energy to groan. At any rate, it was funny!
We once again loaded on the bus and went to the next destination... McDonalds. For those of you that know me fairly well, McDonalds and I don't get along. One of my worries on the trip was how/when I was going to use the bathroom. Well, McDonalds didn't figure into that! But, the kids love a McDonalds. Almost as much as they love a gift shop.
After they got back on the bus, in record speed, we headed off to the Holocaust Museum. There is nothing funny to say here. I told everyone before we went in that they were welcome to skip this if they didn't want to go. I knew that this was one spot where I wanted to absorb history without an audience. The museum is so well done. It leads you through staring with early years before the war and ends on the bottom floor with the liberation. now, I've read a number of books about the holocaust. I even took a WWII class in college. But nothing can prepare you for what you see there. Hearing about the atrocities or reading about them, cannot compare to seeing actual footage from the allies when they arrived in Auschwitz. Or, to walking through a train car that once carried 200 Jews to their death. That train car was the size of my bathroom, about 3' by 9'. That's where I started to lose it. Eric walked behind me, but knew enough not to speak. Once we were through the museum, there was a reflection area, with an eternal flame and sunlight in it. I sat down to say a prayer, and a kid poked me and asked when we were leaving. I turned around and said -- do you see my head bowed, do you see my hands folded? GO AWAY. I think they got the point. I did hear a lot of kids talking about how I cried -- and asking me if I was ok. Yes, I am ok. Yes, I cried. It was a horrific piece of our past that I think everyone needs to remember. If you ever get a chance to go, I highly recommend it. In fact, I would go again. You can't be reminded too often of the horrible things people can be talked into doing...
This is me and Eric outside the museum with the Washington Monument in the background. I wanted a picture so that I will never forget...
I would like to say now on to the funny -- but we went to Arlington Cemetery. Not a lot of funny there either. But, it is funny that I was able to walk around this place! I was looking for a rescue bus, but never found it.
This is the last picture we have of the kids together. I asked them to please dress nicely for this. Eric is a veteran of the Gulf War, as well as Operation Restore Hope in Somalia. My father is a disabled veteran of VietNam. he holds the Bronze Star. This was a big deal for me as well...
We had 25 minutes to make it to the Tomb of the Unknown for the changing of the guard. I'm so glad we made it. Barely -- it was a sight to see. This tomb is guarded 24 hours a day, 365 days a year since 1937. The guard is changed every 30 minutes in the summer, every hour in the winter, and every two hours when the cemetery is closed. Some interesting facts:
The soldiers that guard it are the best of the elite 3rd US Infantry (the Old Guard). for a person to apply for guard duty at the tomb, they must be between 5'11" and 6'4" with a waist size that cannot exceed 30". (yeah, they're skinny guys! but that walking helps them too).
The inscription on the tomb says "Here rests in Honored Glory an American Solider known but to God". Typing this makes me tear up a bit. It was powerful.
After that we again released the kids on their own. Several of them went straight to the bus to change and relax. I decided that I needed to see Arlington house and the grave of President Kennedy and Jackie O. The cemetery is 624 acres in size. If you live on a 40 acre property, think of that, times 25. if you live, as my parents do, on a 5 acre parcel... well, you get the picture. This place is HUGE!
We hiked over to see the Kennedy tomb and the eternal flame. I'm glad I did. Here, you can see it too.
When we got back to the bus, the amazing drivers, Rick and Dave, DROVE us by the Iwo Jima memorial. you've all seen it, but it is large!
I will continue the bus ride home on the next post! Stay tuned...
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
saturday -- continued
Saturday continued with the night tour of the Memorials. This is a picture of Eric and Lauren in front of the Jefferson memorial. It was a long way to the memorial, but we had 15 minutes to do it, so did it we did! Rachel was on a mission -- she hiked up there in about 3 minutes, pushing people out of the way with her elbows! Funny stuff. We realized that after that trip, we needed a little longer at the next two. So, we gave half an hour to see both the FDR memorial and the Martin Luther King memorial. They were fairly close to one another. The Roosevelt memorial was amazing. It was laid out with different walls and waterfalls and quotes from the president. One that struck both Eric and I said this: " I see one-third of the nation ill housed, ill clad and ill nourished. The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much, it is whether we provide enough to those who have too little" it struck both Eric and I that it is still true today, and that people need to think of that.
next we moved on to the Lincoln Monument. It was a sight to behold. I could not believe the size of this thing. We've all seen pictures of it, we've seen it on TV. But to be there, well that is really something. There was a group of girls there in formal dresses and stiletto heels. One of them tumbled down the steps while getting her picture taken! True story. It was like a train wreck, you couldn't look away! But I had to because Rachel took my face in her hands, and said... we have 25 kids to worry about, you can't worry about her too! haha. I spent a moment speaking to President Lincoln too. Asking him what to do about those who wont' cooperate or be kind. he did not answer, but I felt better! I think I was losing it... speaking to a monument! here is that photo
next up you see the photo of me and my trusty chaperone friends. We had a way of looking at one another and knowing what needed to be done. It was incredibly helpful to have that.
it was at the Lincoln that Alaynah finally was able to recreate her Forrest Gump moment. She never saw Forrest or Jenny, but she was able to see where it happened. Silly girl!
From there we went to the Korean War Veterans Memorial. it is an imposing sight. Life sized bronze soldiers walking through the grass. you could see the fear and angst on their face. This is the only entirely privately funded memorial here.
next up is "the Wall". no, not by Pink Floyd. But, the Viet Nam Veteran memorial. Imposing and sad. Especially because my dad survived the war but is a wounded veteran. We finished at the WWII memorial. Huge. The fountain wasn't working but you could see the states and other things there.
After that we had to get to the bus. The tour guides and maps did not show that there was a roped off section of construction that was in our way. Eric, our fearless navigator, walked around to find how we could best get to the bus pickup. Turns out that it was THROUGH the barriers. now, I am a rule follower. But I'm also practical. We had been out touring since 8 Am, and it was nearly 11 PM. We had all logged between 10 and 15 miles of walking. So, through it was. we got to the bus and went back to the hotel. Tired, weary, and ready to rest. But, we had a great day and saw a lot of things!
next we moved on to the Lincoln Monument. It was a sight to behold. I could not believe the size of this thing. We've all seen pictures of it, we've seen it on TV. But to be there, well that is really something. There was a group of girls there in formal dresses and stiletto heels. One of them tumbled down the steps while getting her picture taken! True story. It was like a train wreck, you couldn't look away! But I had to because Rachel took my face in her hands, and said... we have 25 kids to worry about, you can't worry about her too! haha. I spent a moment speaking to President Lincoln too. Asking him what to do about those who wont' cooperate or be kind. he did not answer, but I felt better! I think I was losing it... speaking to a monument! here is that photo
it was at the Lincoln that Alaynah finally was able to recreate her Forrest Gump moment. She never saw Forrest or Jenny, but she was able to see where it happened. Silly girl!
From there we went to the Korean War Veterans Memorial. it is an imposing sight. Life sized bronze soldiers walking through the grass. you could see the fear and angst on their face. This is the only entirely privately funded memorial here.
next up is "the Wall". no, not by Pink Floyd. But, the Viet Nam Veteran memorial. Imposing and sad. Especially because my dad survived the war but is a wounded veteran. We finished at the WWII memorial. Huge. The fountain wasn't working but you could see the states and other things there.
After that we had to get to the bus. The tour guides and maps did not show that there was a roped off section of construction that was in our way. Eric, our fearless navigator, walked around to find how we could best get to the bus pickup. Turns out that it was THROUGH the barriers. now, I am a rule follower. But I'm also practical. We had been out touring since 8 Am, and it was nearly 11 PM. We had all logged between 10 and 15 miles of walking. So, through it was. we got to the bus and went back to the hotel. Tired, weary, and ready to rest. But, we had a great day and saw a lot of things!
Saturday - part one
We started out on Saturday with a trip to the White House. Because of the added security from the Boston bombings, we could only go this close. You can see the House in the background. We got to see it. But, not very close. We also wanted to walk around to the front. And AROUND it was! About 6 blocks I think. not sure, but it seemed very long. Once again, Rachel and I had to get out front. We needed to get to Ford Theatre to get our group tickets. This was the longest walk we did to just get somewhere. And there were some sore people back there. But, kudos to them, they didn't complain. We left Eric to lead the pack and Rachel and I set off for the Theatre. Eric did a great job of leading them to it. There were some nay-sayers that asked him if he knew where he was going. He is stronger than I am and didn't even respond. He just kept walking. I had to make sure we beat them there so I wouldn't let Rachel stop to even take a picture of a bird! Luckily, she got one later. We did text the group to see if they were coming. no one answered. For a few moments we were afraid the entire group was abducted! But, we got word they were coming. Apparently it was a little fast for some as they expressed to the Caboose that we were moving at a marathon pace. yay us! Who knew we had that kind of stamina, huh Rachel?? At long last we were directed into the theatre to hear about President Lincoln's last moments. Across the street was the house where Lincoln actually died. We had a man in there telling us that the furniture is much smaller and that they needed to place the president diagonal across the bed for him to rest. he lived for seven hours there and then passed away. There was a long line to get into Peterson house, so some kids went to the Hard Rock Café to take a peek. I did not, I waited in line. There was also a t-shirt kiosk where people bought sweatshirts and other souvenirs. It was sunny and not a terrible place to wait. In this picture you can see Syd and Emily posing for a photo while Shawn photo bombed them. he was very popular in lots of pictures. people on the street would ask to take pictures with him. he looks here like he is flying in like a super hero!
After Ford Theatre, we walked over to the Old Post Office for lunch and shopping. These kids like a Gift Shop more than any kids I've ever known! Lucky for them there is a shopping opportunity at every corner! At the Old Post Office there was a tower you could go up to and view the city. I opted to sit outside in the sun. we sat next to a place called Seg in the City. it was a kiosk to rent Seguey scooters. I implored Eric to let me try it but both he and Lauren were certain I'd end up with abrasions on my face... at the very least!
We lined up for the bus and headed off to see the Smithsonian museums again. I led my group to the American history museum first, then to the Museum of Natural History. If I were to do this trip on my own, I would have spent hours just reading the things in the museum. But, kids aren't that interested. I have an album on my facebook that shows us trying to imitate the heads of early man. that was a highlight! I'll add some here.
When we were done, we had an hour to wait for the bus. Others went to the Air and Space museum but since we had already been there, done that, we took the opportunity to rest. The kids really liked just resting on the mall. After I explained that "The Mall" was NOT a shopping center! They tried to spell words with their bodies, they jumped and took pictures. They just had some time to rest and be themselves. I wanted to go ride the carousel they had. Eric was appalled. I believe his actual words were -- do you see all the grubby people and snotty kids here? you are NOT going to get on that germ infested thing to take a ride!!
After this we went to Union Station for dinner. They had about 30 places to eat and a ton of shops. The kids shopped, and shopped, and shopped! They also ate. I went to a sit down dinner with Rachel, Eric, Sarah and Juanalee. it was so nice to just sit and be adults. We were certain that no one would join us because it wasn't fast food and it wasn't in the middle of the food court! how relaxing! We then went to the monument tour...
To be continued.....
Friday -- Capitol and all kinds of other things
Here are the people from the trip on the steps of the Capitol! We are missing on chaperone, he took the picture. This is the group! Our matching shirts really set us apart. I'll admit I wasn't a fan of wearing these bright things in DC. But, it was a great idea. I feel like people responded to the fact that we were a large group and helped us out.
So, first of all we went to the Capitol. We had to meet our person from Rick Nolan's office to give us a tour. This was the only place we had a "real" tour guide. he brought us through the capitol, showing us various things in the Rotunda and other parts to give us an idea of where things were. it was interesting to me, because I love that crap. To the kids? Maybe not. But, they will appreciate it at some point. Or maybe not. And that's ok. We took them there!
After the main tour we had passes to go see the House in action. We had a dictator, I mean director guide us up to the chambers. Before that, though, some of our kids were tired and sat down on the floor to wait. Ooops -- apparently it's a form of a protest so we were told to get up right away. Didn't need to have us on the news! I couldn't even pretend I wasn't with them, because we all wore those shirts! Back to the dictator. She wasn't happy to have to lead us to the chamber. She made sure that we could all walk up four flights of steps and be quiet in a single line. Rachel and I, as always, led the pack. Everything was great until about that third flight. holy cow was that a long way! My legs were burning, my chest was on fire... I had to hope that they wouldn't want me to talk when we got up there!! Rachel and I were told to form two straight lines to go through security up there. We did -- but I guess when it came to the caboose, Juanalee said she was just hoping they would all make it without any assistance from her! hahahaha. So, through another set of security checks we went. There was security everywhere. They looked in bags, you had metal detectors in nearly every building. I didn't hear much for complaining about it, but when someone did I explained that this is a GOOD thing... like getting asked for your id when you're old. Just do it!
We got to watch the House in session. We sat down, and got then got the all rise memo. We stood as the House leader read the agenda (very short) then we joined in a prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Amy said it best when she said, it was all worth it to say the Pledge of Allegiance in the house chambers in Washington DC. That was so cool. Then when it was over, we expected to go back down to the Visitor center.
An agent (I say that because moments before Eric and I saw him talking to his watch... how cool is that???) told us that we were to be escorted directly to the south exit. When we got there, we were told that there was a suspicious bag inside and we all needed to leave because they were evacuating the Capitol. Again, how cool is that?? Everyone was outside and all kinds of men in black were talking to their watches. I'm not sure that everyone realized what was happening. So, Eric and I led everyone to the next destination. The Supreme Court building. We spent some time wandering there and then it was on to the bus again.
The bus brought us to a place for lunch called Au Bon Pain. Kind of a chain type soup/sandwich shop there. The weather was beautiful and we ate and took a little break. After that we were heading to the National Archives. The best line I heard was from a student named Kirk -- he said, Kandi, is the Declaration of Independence really here? I said it absolutely is. he was in awe. I got a little teared up because that was what I had hoped for this whole trip. Seeing the documents was amazing. It was dark and no photos were allowed. You could actually still see John Hancock's signature!
When we were done with that we walked over to the Smithsonian Castle. The starting spot of all the museums. We chose to do Air and Space first. It wasn't my first choice but it was away from everyone else. I had been having a tough time with a few people being nay-sayers and whining about things. I put too much time into this trip to be second guessed. Seriously people -- go with it. I don't need a medal, but just be quiet if you can't say anything nice!!
Luckily, Kirk was with us. he just thought things were amazing! He bought Astronaut Ice Cream. And loved it!
Here you see me, and the best tourist of our group, Kirk, in front of the image of Orville and Wilbur Wright. At this museum we saw the actual plane that flew in 1903 at Kitty Hawk. Amazing!! I remember thinking man my feet hurt at this point -- little did I know that this was our "slow" day!
After we did this museum tour we were going to be picked up to go to the Kennedy Center. They had a band for us to enjoy. And ENJOY WE DID!!! The band was called the Mike Dillon band. There was Mike Dillon, the percussionist. Then a lady named Carly who played trombone, danced, sang a little and blew a whistle. Yep, a whistle, like refs use. There was a bass player and a drummer too. This was the most entertaining thing of the whole trip!
When they came out they played some song and the lady was dancing all over while playing her trombone. She'd set the trombone down and blow the whistle. I started to giggle, then so did Rachel. Then Sarah and Juanalee. This was like nothing anyone had every seen. They played punk rock (with a trombone and drums... yep) mixed with something else. The kids looked at the chaperones to see if they should like it. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Cracked me up. At one point I made eye contact with Lauren and she mouthed -- I'm afraid! --. The best song was called Chef Boyardee. And in it they said Chef Boyardee had a baby and made reference to Top Ramen noodles. It was a crack up from beginning to end. Megan said she felt a little bad laughing and I said, they want to entertain. And entertain they did! I guess you can get a copy of it, and I will try. oh man, I'm laughing right now! I think the kids will all remember that forever!
After the performance, we went to the top of the Kennedy Center to see the view of the city. While there it started to rain. pour, actually. The kids were out playing in the rain and having a great time. At one point a boy took off his shirt to wring it out and the kids were laughing and frolicking in the rain. Eric and I looked at the building, and there was a dining hall full of black-tie dressed people trying to enjoy dinner. I told the kids to get inside and I tried to pretend I wasn't with them... Kathy pointed out, no way, we are all dressed the same! hahahahah. oh boy, it was something else.
We went back to the hotel at this point. The kids went swimming or hung out outside or just sat. They seemed thoroughly happy. We ordered pizza and they got dinner.
I, on the other hand, sat in the hallway. I couldn't open my door! The mechanism for the door ran out of batteries. does that ever happen? not according to maintenance. They had to use a coat hanger. SERIOUSLY, a Coat Hanger, to reach under the door and try to open it. We sat in the hall for an hour. I just went with it. At least I was sitting! I was glad it happened to me and not some of the other rooms... just saying. Juanalee and Rachel were kind enough to come join me for pizza in the hall. Some others weren't so kind and they laughed. Oh well, what can I do?
At long last we were in our room. The girls ran to the shower, and chose their beds. I got to be in a king sized bed with two girls. The middle one (Lauren) rolled all night like a hot dog on a roller. not restful, but hey, we are in DC!!!
To close out Friday, I'll leave you this picture of the kids that were with us at Air and Space. We took a little break on the National Mall to soak up the sun. And yes, this was all on FRIDAY! and it was the short day!!!
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