Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Drive Thru Anxiety -- BAKED POTATO

Recently, I've had occasion to tell this story more than once.  People seem to really enjoy it.  I'm not sure if it's because it's totally ridiculous or if someone can actually relate...

So, I have what my sister has termed "drive thru anxiety".  It started with the drive thru lane at fast food places, but really it does translate into my life.  Bottom line, I don't like when people have to wait for me.  I don't want to cause them any trouble.  Even if it is the person behind the sign at McDonald's.

I think it stems from my dad (aka greatest man ever) and his instillation of manners to us as kids.  He is the most polite person I've ever met.  In fact, if I happen to burp alone in a car, all by myself, no one to hear me, I can last about 4 seconds before I say excuse me.  I can't help it!  It's ingrained in me.  So, to make people wait for me makes me crazy.  Sweaty, twitchy, crazy.

My sister knows this and doesn't share the same opinion.  Once when Arby's was having a 5 for $10 deal, I sat in the parking lot BEFORE going to the drive thru to make a list so I wouldn't have to wait.  Or to say... ummm. hold on.  My sister happened to be with  me and thought I was a lunatic.  But, I am serious!  I just want to be ready!  She now likes to take me through a drive thru and say... one minute please... and watch me sweat.  And get nervous, and try to run from the car screaming "I'm sorry!" to all those in line behind me. Seriously, I can't take it.

This translates into other situations.  For example, if I go to RedBox to get a movie... I will almost instantly hit check out no matter what is there if people start to line up.  I did this with  Lauren once and we got some stupid horror movie because I just said... hit check out!  Do it!  There's a line!  Saying it out loud does make me sound a little crazy... I admit.

And now, the perfect example of my crazy anxiety... I was starving one day and pulled up to Wendy's.  I don't eat a lot of fast food so I don't know that menu.  I'm sure it's the same one they've had for 30 years (which is why I hate when people aren't ready when they get to the speaker.  Come on!  nuggets, just say it!) but I don't know the menu.  you know how some places have the menu first then you pull up to the speaker?  yeah, well, this wasn't one of those.  But I didn't know it!  So I was perusing the menu and all of a sudden the voice says welcome to Wendy's can I take your order?  OMG.  No!  I'm not ready!  But I couldn't say that.  There was a car behind me!  So I just spit out the first thing I saw... "BAKED POTATO"!!!  Then the voice says, would you like anything else?  NO!  It just came out.  Like I suffered from turret's syndrome!  By the time I got to the window I realized the mistake I'd made.  not only was I only getting some stupid fast food baked potato, but I had to drive.  you can't use a fork and drive!  And, I was thirsty!  But, did I think fast enough to order a beverage?  NO!  So when I got up there to pay the window was full of people staring at the crazy lady who shouted out Baked Potato!  I'm certain I looked crazy too, because I was starving, and thirsty, and sweaty from the ordeal...

So if you ever hear my kids or me say Baked Potato randomly... now you know!

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