Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Why I Decided to Blog

So, why did I decide to start blogging? Lots of reasons I guess.

First, I have a lot of stories! I seem to tell them over and over again, which I love. But, I think more people need to know them. Like the one about Lauren locking the goat in the truck. Did you hear that one? You should!

Also, I always hear of people writing things in their journals. I simply don't have the desire or urge to sit in bed, or anywhere for that matter, with a paper, and pen and physically write things down. Not gonna happen. But, I am on the computer a lot. So, if I do it here, it will leave a record. People will know what I was thinking.... what I was feeling. I will know what I was thinking and feeling. I'm leaving a record, a legacy. So, I can print it, stick it in a book, call it a journal. Good.

Another reason is so that I can have Kari read it. I love to talk to her but with all of the crazy stuff going on in our lives (cue the circus music) we sometimes don't get to have deep thoughts. Jack Handy anyone? So, maybe this will help.

All of that being said, I hope that whoever is reading this will find it worthwhile. I hope that I can keep up with it. I hope you find a grain of truth in it. I hope it will inspire you, make you laugh, maybe make you cry (if that is my intention!) and keep you coming back!

Blessing to all of you.


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