Saturday, April 17, 2010

Goats Galore -- Did I use that one yet?

Here is the herd enjoying a little treat outside the front door. Note that Tillie is tied up in the background. I had them out together, but Tillie decided she needed to round them up. Not a good plan. I think they could take her, but I'm still holding out hope for pregnancy and don't want to disturb the girls.
Allow me to tell you a little about my family's luck with animal breeding. It's not so good. The first failure I remember is having my horse, Peaches, when I was 9. We brought her to a farm to have her bred. It all seemed to take. In fact, she even started "showing" and "bagged up" and started dripping milk. Guess what? We called the vet over and she was having a hysterical pregnancy. GREAT.
Attempt number 2: My dad bought a beautiful German shepherd named Penny. (Johnson's Pretty Penny, to be precise, and boy did the name fit!) He bought her with the intentions of breeding her and selling puppies. They brought her to the breeder to have her bred, and it all worked out great. As her due date approached we all waited with baited breath to see what would happen. The date came and went and we thought Penny looked a little ill. Brought her to the vet and it seemed that she wasn't able to go into labor on her own. Therefore, she was overdue, and we lost all the puppies! So sad. There were 7 of them. So, the breeder was kind enough to say that he would do it again, and just take 2 puppies from the second batch. Ok, great. So, as Penny got close again, we brought her to the vet to have a c-section (I know, right? see the pennies adding up??). The puppies were gorgeous. Perfect in every way. But, guess how many she had? Do you see this coming? Yes, she had TWO (2) little puppies. They both were given to the breeder. At this point we weren't sure how it would work out and I think that they were thinking we'd try it again, but lo and behold, Penny had problems and had to have an emergency HYSTERECTOMY. Ah yes, a hysterectomy on a breeding dog. And, the pennies just keep going out the door. So, that was a bust as well.
So as hopeful as I am that Pete did his job and that we have pregnant goats, I just don't want to get my hopes up. Today it seemed that there was some "bagging" action with both Maggie and Gympy. But, we've been down that road before (see the line about Peaches and her hysterical pregnancy above) and so I'm not sure if it's true or not! So, I just keep watching them for signs of anything going on.
We are leaving for Texas on Thursday for a few days. And, if I'm lucky enough to have pregnant goats, I'm pretty certain my luck with end and I'll come home to babies... and I'll have missed the entire blessed event. But, if they are here, what a wonderful surprise!
Enough goat talk, I'm going out to do some brushing and visiting. If I'm lucky, maybe Maggie will let me feel her up and I'll see if I can feel anything interesting! haha.