Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday Morning Rambling

The end of the first week of school has arrived. Our old routines are definitely here. The girls are no longer up before me. They are no longer helping each other get ready and no longer excited to get one another on the bus in a nice, clean, orderly fashion. They aren't happy to get their first homework. They aren't thrilled that I bought them new school clothes. Their excitment may be wearing off, but mine isn't! I still wave to them with the same glee that I did on Tuesday! Good bye girls! I love you! Have a great day! See you again in 8.75 hours!!!!!

On the goat front, Tigo is settling right in. I think she has super-human, er, super-goat strength, though! One night while putting her away in the hut I tried to pair her with Frank, who is my favorite. Frank is the one that thinks she's a dog. She will actually come and lie on my lap, yes, my lap, when I sit outside. Well, that was a huge failure. They got into a big fight, kicking and butting heads and throwing one another against the sides of the pen. I moved the iron bar and Tigo burst out through the door I was holding. She literally plowed me right over. Well, ok then. She slept alone that night! Yesterday, after being home on the Johnson Farm for 3 days, she pulled her stake right out of the ground (a feat that our dog has yet to accomplish) and took off again. But, luckily for me, not through the woods this time! This time it was just to join the herd. They accept her as one of them, if not ignore her a bit. But, she seems happy with that. She definitely can stick up for herself. She is not picked on. At all. So last night we just let her roam free. When it came time to go to bed she went right into her side of the hut and was just fine. So, all of our goats are once again, Free Range Goats. Makes it easier for me. Eric is not too thrilled, so I keep telling him that he needs to get that fence up!!

Lauren is singing at a wedding tomorrow. She is a little nervous about how it will go since it is outside, but other than that, she is ready. She has the rehearsal tonight, and then the wedding tomorrow. The wedding has a cowboy theme. She will be singing "Mama He's Crazy" as the bride walks down the aisle, and when the bride and groom walk out, she is singing "What a Difference You've Made in My Life". I always love watching her sing. This is the second wedding she's been asked to sing at. She's also been asked to sing at a funeral, and she's only 11! Keep it up, and I can retire and enjoy my goats early. Haha.

One last topic to discuss this morning. 9/11. I won't go into too much detail, except to say where I was and how I felt. I heard about it on my way to work at Forrest Hutchinson's law office that morning. I was 4 months pregnant with Kennedi. My sister-in-law Kaley was going in to have her second son, Tristan, via C-Section. I walked into work and grabbed a TV and set it up in the conference room. We sat stunned as we watched the story unfold. I rubbed my stomach and prayed. I remember thinking what sort of world were we bringing babies into. What would happen next? Where would the next bomb go? Eric called to see if I was watching. I remember thinking that I wish I could be closer to him to hold him and feel safe. Lauren was at daycare, and I called just to tell her I loved her. It was such a scary day. Not a day to be productive or away from you family. I was blessed to work where I did, so that I was able to process the drama and traumatic nature of the day. Also, the pregnancy hormones didn't help! God Bless all of those people that risked and lost their lives to save others on that day. God Bless the children who lost their parents. God Bless the parents that lost their children. I hope that no one ever forgets the tragedy, and how in the months to come it brought our country closer together.

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