Sunday, September 27, 2009

Great Expectation

Ah, the day after. Ha ha. So, yesterday was my birthday. I am 35 years old. I remember thinking that 28 must be ancient and I couldn't fathom ever turning 30. Yet, here I am, 35. Closer today to 40 than 30. I know a lot of you that read this are laughing thinking that you only WISH you were 35 again. But hey, this is my blog, and I get to write what I want! ha.

So, I started celebrating on Thursday with some friends. It was a surprise, I had planned on staying home. So, I expected nothing, had a great time. Maybe too great! But, I digress. Friday morning I got up and found a box of wonderful gourmet chocolate covered strawberries from my friend Kris. They are so good. Shhh, don't tell the girls, I still have a few stashed in the fridge! I went to Hibbing, had lunch with Kris, then came home to get ready.

Friday night, my friends came to get me. I had no idea what was planned, but I expected a lot! I had fun, dont' get me wrong, but alas, our driver was sick; like the flu or something gross, so I ended up home by 11. Not a bad thing, let me tell you! I had already had plenty to drink!!

Saturday, my actual birthday I got to go golfing with my parents and Eric. My friends at the golf course decorated a cart with balloons and signs for my birthday. My mom ordered a sheet cake and we all had cake and about 10 different people sang to me throughout. So fun! In the mail I got a beautiful bird book from my sister (with a note saying: Happy Birthday you old geezer, I had to go find this in the senior citizen's section). She thinks my bird watching along with my love of polka and goats is very elderly. Anyway... my mail box was also filled with card from friends all over. It was so fun. I had thought I was going to go out again on Saturday night, but that didn't pan out. It worked out ok, but not as I had expected. Again.

A good friend once told me that I am destined to be disappointed a lot because I have expectations of people that they cannot possibly live up to. I expect people to be like me. I expect them to think like me, to have the same thoughtful qualities that I think I posses and to show it, at all times. That is not reasonable. I know this. I do, but sometimes, I can't remember it.

So this year, this 35th year of my life, I am going to try not to expect so much. I am going to be delighted when things surprise me. I'm going to be thrilled when I get unexpected things. I'm not going to expect people to be like me. I'm not going to be surprised if I get disappointed. In fact, I am going to try not to get disappointed! What's the point? Only I can make myself feel that way. And, most of the time, people have no idea they are doing it. This isn't directed in any one way, it's just a little bit of a deep, introspective post for a Sunday morning. I didn't go to church today, so I'm making my own sermon.

On a lighter note, I have lost 26 pounds this summer on what I am calling the goat diet. Not goat meat, but chasing goats. Being outside. Being mindful of what I'm putting in my mouth. So, perhaps I can keep that going. This might be the year!

My kids are wanting me to take them across the road to the not-s0-friendly neighbors (refer to previous post about runaway goats) today. I have cake, so maybe I'll take it over there and see if they are friendlier when I bring food. But, I am not going to EXPECT anything......

On al

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