Saturday, October 17, 2009

Busy Times

I can't believe it's been so long since I posted anything! Sorry about that! Don't want to bore you all away. Ha ha.

Things have been so busy here. After the retreat I spent a few days trying to make up for being gone. Spending extra time with the girls and reading books, catching up on homework, etc. I should have been catching up on cleaning, but that didn't happen!!

On Wednesday, Lauren's play finally came to Floodwood. They did a great job. I was very disappointed, however, in the administration of the school. In fact, I am going to write them an e-mail this week. At every other location, we have been greeted by the principal or the superintedent, and have been treated like royalty. We have been welcomed, and sometimes even given free lunch. We have been introduced to the kids, and the kids have been told how to be good listeners, they have facilitated a question and answer session, it's been a big deal. When they got to Floodwood.... nothing. No one there to greet them... except me. No administrators, nothing. In fact, neither the principal nor the superintendent ever showed up. It was sad.....

Then right after the play I took the girls to Black Bear for a fun night of swimming and hanging out with Auntie Helen. It was pretty fun. I didn't get much sleep, but that's ok. Totally worth it.

I had to work on Thursday -- I dont' know what I was thinking!!! it's been crazy here.

Today we had to go to a funeral for a friend's father. It was not easy. He died of cancer. I was telling Eric that we needed to go to the visitation and the funeral because this family, the family of Tom Farrell, has been so good to us through all of our (Eric's) losses. Eric looked at me and said, "Kandi (and he NEVER says my name; always honey, or whatever), I am not going to another cancer funeral at the Hope Lutheran Church". I said, well, ok. Visitation then we're out of there.

For those of you that may not know, Eric lost both of his parents, 3 years apart, to lung cancer. Both funerals were at that church. 2 years ago, his brother died in a car accident. Same church for the funeral. So.... it's not easy for him. Needless to say, we did the visitation, hugged the family, and we left.

Today I'm going to clean. Again. My cousin Clay is giving me an elliptical machine. That might kill me. Ha. No, I want it. But, there is no place for it, so I am determined to clean until I find a place for it.... wish me luck!

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