Sunday, October 4, 2009


Happy Sunday!

I am up and getting the girls ready for church. Actually, they are finally old enough to get themselves ready. I just have to make sure that:

A: Lauren hasn't snuck any makeup on, and that she isn't wearing too puffy of a bra that she claims fits, but we all know better.

B: Kennedi is not wearing shorts, or the same pants she's worn all week.

C: Madelyn has both underwear (clean) on, as well as clothes that fit her and cover all parts of her body.

Other than that, it's not too bad! They all do a fairly decent job of getting themselves together. If they are up early enough they can eat before they go, and that's a plus. Otherwise, by the time we leave church they are starving. One Sunday Madelyn asked us all to save the communion bread for her, because she was so hungry! Umm, pretty sure that's not what communion is about sweetie.

The weather is definitely turned for fall. It's been cold and raining all week. One day I brought the girls down to the bus. Not because I wanted to, but because they guilted me into it. They were all, "Mom, it's cold, it's windy, we can't stand out there, blah blah blah". I caved. I didn't want to, but I did. I hope it's not a habit!!

Eric should be starting in the woods soon. We are waiting to hear back from some people about the numbers they want. I hope they are high, and that we can have a successful year. Ever since we severed ties with our former tree person, it's been a tough road. He didn't make it easy for us. He had us black balled from all of the connections that we previously had. So, we had to make new contacts. I did. But we weren't cutting the types of trees they liked, so we had to take a very low price for our trees. It was very disappointing. But, I hope that this year will be much better. If we could cut and sell 1500 bundles, it would be very very helpful. Eric would love to do 3000, but I could settle for 1500.

The goats are doing great. I have been letting them out of their fencing during the day quite a bit. They ate all of the good grass, and the crappy stuff too, in the first week. So, I let them out to graze, and eat for a few hours every day. Since the fence came, they haven't felt the urge to wander. Thank goodness! They are getting very fuzzy and starting to have funny winter coats. I love it! I believe that this is the week that Pete gets separated. He will be 3 months old on Thursday. We don't need any accidents! I want goat babies....lots of them. But NOT until June!

I hope every had a great weekend, and is ready for October!

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