Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blah blah blah

I have a feeling that this post of randomness wont' have any cohesion, so there is no point in pretending to give it a worthy title! But, I thought an EXTREME CLOSE UP of myself my make you giggle!!

First of all, I have to tell you that I am one of the most uncoordinated people, ever. I fell UP the stairs yesterday. I was running (there is my first problem) upstairs to get something for Eric (second problem) in my slippers (third problem) and tripped. I landed on the stair with my knee. It hurt instantly, of course, but thought I could live. Today it isn't so good. Terrible shades of purple and red with no skin on it. Great. Like I needed that!! Oh well, it's been a while since I "pulled a Kandi", so I guess it was time.

This weekend was opening hunting. Eric went to his brother Marty's house for hunting as usual. They always get together and hunt and eat and do whatever it is they do. Thank God for Kaley and her patience with them! I spent the weekend at home cleaning. If you refer to previous posts you will see that cleaning isn't really my thing. I don't love doing it, but this weekend, it really needed to get the house in order. I had an opportunity to go spend some time with my dear friends Heather, Gail and Karen, but I opted to stay home and get things done. And, boy did I! I cleaned every room in the house. It was really a good thing. However, I had to do this feat with the kids under foot. That was the impressive part. I am trying very hard to keep it clean, but we'll see how it goes.

Another reason that I got the house clean was so that I could get the elliptical machine into my house. Now, I have no room for this piece of equiment. I am the first to admit it. But, it was free, my cousin Clay gave it to me, and who am I to turn it down?! It's not like I don't NEED it, so I took it. It is currently residing in my living room. I spent 10 minutes on it yesterday morning. If you have never been on an elliptical, then it seems like 10 minutes isn't much. HOWEVER, if you have ever been on one, you know that 10 minutes is an eternity. The kids watched me, so they asked questions like, Why is your back wet? Why is your hair funky? Why are you breathing like that? Thanks kid... go away.

Tree season is going well. Eric got a contract from one of our contacts from last year for several hundred bundles and that will get us through the year. Eric is already laid off... which is very early and not so good, really. But, things will work out.

On a lighter note, I have been booked for several bartending gigs from now through Christmas. I am excited to do it, and the extra money from tips will be helpful! So, come on out and see me at Tommy's! I'll be there, and I'm sure I will have plenty of things to say to keep you entertained!!!

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