My lucky streak of good health seems to have run out.
On Tuesday the girls came off the bus in a whirlwind of crying, carrying on, and a hint of band odor...
Kennedi was beside herself. She was crying, and nearly hyperventilating. She ran through my office, and into the bathroom and locked the door. I called through the door and tried to ask her what was wrong. She choked out that she couldn't talk about it.
Maddie then came through the door with tears in her eyes. "What in the world is going on??" I asked. She said, "Braxton threw up on the bus and it got on me!!!" Oh, gross. I asked her if she was ok. She said yes. I then asked her if it got on Kennedi. Her reply was, NO. So I grabbed all the jackets and put them in the washer.
Kennedi was still in the bathroom. She let me in and I asked her why she was upset. She said because it "nearly" got on her and she had to look at it. Now, you may not know this, but Kennedi has a little bit of a germ problem. well, a big germ problem. She cannot tolerate bodily fluids. She hates the thought of saliva. She obviously can't tolerate vomit either. She spent 10 minutes in the bathroom decompressing and getting over herself.
This was at 3:40 PM. At 11:40 PM, the girls both came into my room and said they were sick. Kennedi made it into the bathroom to throw up. Madelyn threw up in her bed. A lot. I dont' know why she didn't try to go anywhere, she just sat in her bed and threw up. I went down to strip the bed.... and usually it doesn't bother me at all, but this was really bad. I'll spare you the details, but I will say that once I got all the sheets and blankets off, I threw them OUTSIDE!!!
Every 20 minutes all night long the girls were throwing up. We stayed in the living room all night. Each girl with their own bucket and a towel. Around 2 AM Maddie got diarrhea. At one point she called for her bucket while she was on the toilet. Poor kid was going to the bathroom and heaving at the same time.
Kennedi was disgusted by Maddie because she wasn't using her towel to wipe her mouth!!
All of this ended around 5 AM. I had to get up at 5:45 AM to work....
Needless to say, those two girls didn't go to school. They rested until about 10 when, like magic, they were fine. They ate ice cream, pizza, and Sprite, and were all better. At one point Kennedi came into my office and said that Madelyn smelled like puke and I had to do something with her. So I ran a bath and they each had one. Kennedi first, of course!!
No one else got it, so I am thankful for that!!
Now, this might sound terrible, but actually, I would much rather have one night of awful-ness and get 2/3 of the kids done with at once. Lauren never got it, so it didn't drag out.... but a 2 for 1 deal isn't all that bad.
This must be a true testament to the fact that I am either (a) insane or (b) a good mom to several children. I vote (a)!!!!
Here's to your health.... and a good night's sleep for all.
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