Monday, April 15, 2013

Washington DC or Bust

Not sure if I've mentioned this here before, but Eric and I are chaperoning the High School band trip to Washington DC this week!  Isn't that exciting?  Or is it????

First of all, it is.  One, I've never been there.  Two, Lauren is going to be on the trip with us.  Also, two of my nieces are going along, as well as one of my Godchildren.  So, it's sort of a family affair.  Lauren has fundraised a lot, so she doesn't have to pay.  Her fundraising has helped to pay for some of our trip, so it isn't costing much.

On the other hand, Lauren is coming with us.  Also, two of my nieces are coming with so it's sort of a family affair.  Do you see where I'm going with this??

When I first signed up to chaperone, there was a male band teacher going, so there was no need to have Eric along.  Then, as sometimes happens, that band teacher left to go to another job.  We have a new teacher, who is a female.  Also named Lauren.  (that has nothing to do with my story).  We needed a token male member.  I talked Eric into it.

**this isn't particularly relevant to the story, but when I was in 9th grade our band went to Florida for a huge band trip and Eric's mother was the chaperone.  She was the best  chaperone ever and I had hoped that Eric would get some of that in his genes.  The closer we get, the more I doubt this theory.  I tend to look for the silver lining in all things but I'm not sure about this one!  Phyllis, I'll be thinking of you on this trip.  I'll certainly try to be all that you were to all of us!**

Back to the story -- in December the tour company informed us that for 40 people the price would be approximately $657 per person.  For a small band that just wasn't an option.  My pal Rachel said, we can do this.  We can plan this.  I agreed.  I thought, how hard can it be?  With the internet, Expedia, Google, Orbitz, travel guides, and our brains, this will be a snap.  What is that saying?  The road to hell is paved with good intentions???  The good news is that the price is down to $340 per person.  After the fundraising money from selling spaghetti, Jazz concerts, LockIns, elementary carnivals and the like, students only had to pay $130 for a trip to Washington DC.  I shall be their guide. It shall be a blast.  Famous last words?  Let's see.

We leave in 48 hours.  I will blog the trip.  Stay tuned!!

By the way, this is a picture of me in the cargo hold of the bus -- to demonstrate how much room we have for luggage... no one can say that I didn't put my ALL into this trip!  Including ALL OF ME! ha.

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