Friday, December 18, 2009

Goat Maintenance

My love for my goats has not waned. HOWEVER, goat chores in the winter have lost their charm and fun. Seriously. Going out to feed and water them when it's -10 is not a great job. Luckily I have a great "farm hand" (Kennedi) to help me. But even so, not a treat. So, yesterday when it warmed up to a balmy 18 degrees, I decided it was time to get things done.

The girls needed a vaccine before their "fornication vacation" (a.k.a. Breeding Season); they all needed to get their wormer done; they needed their little hooves trimmed; the bedding needed a freshening, etc. So, Kennedi, Lauren and I set out on that adventure.

Let me say, I'm not a vet. I'm not a nurse. This goat thing is the first time I've ever given shots. I'm probably not even particularly good at it. But, I don't think they notice. The vaccine, however, was scary. There is a warning on the bottle that says "WARNING, THIS VACCINE MAY CAUSE ANAPHLAXIS. HAVE EPINEPHRINE ON HAND". Ok, do you think I have epinephrine? Nope. Was I going to wait to order some? NOPE. So, I figured if one of the poor unfortunate goaties had a reaction then Eric was going to get his wish and he was going to get to roast one for Christmas (that didn't happen, by the way).

So, we go out into the pen and visit with the girls. I decide to get the bad part over with first. We give the girls the vaccines, and they aren't thrilled, but they don't do too badly. Teego (the fainter) did the best. There is a pic of that on here too. She actually did really well. She just stood there and let me do my thing. Maggie (the QUEEN B****) was the worst. She tried to gore me, I swear to you, when I put that needle in. The girls (my girls, Lauren and Kennedi) screamed, and I don't think that helped the situation any. I think that is the point at which Eric went into the house shaking his head. He thinks I'm doing it wrong. Not sure what he thinks is right; but I'm doing it wrong.

I stand over the goats, with their bodies between my knees and work on them. He is sure that their horns are going to gash my thighs (or worse areas) open and kill me. I tend to think that my loveable friends wouldn't do that to me. Except, maybe, Maggie.....

Anyway, after the vaccines are done, we go for the wormer. At first they are curious, want to lick it. Until they figure out it is totally nasty. Then I have to force their little mouths open and shove it down their throats. I talked about this before, but this time it went much more smoothly. Except when Gympy bit me. That wasn't delightful at all. Maybe she'll be the first one to go....

Then came the hoof trimming. So, I guess I thought that I wouldn't need to trim them as much in the winter, or perhaps it was just wishful thinking? But they were bad. Poor goaties. So, as much work as it was, I had guilt, so I took a lot of extra time on this task. The only one that was really good was Maggie. Actually Frank wasn't too bad either. I had the hardest time with Teego. She wasn't impressed. And, her feet were pretty bad. So here I was, bent over at the waist with these goats between my knees for an hour! By the time I got over to Pete's side, I was exhausted. Good thing he is a good boy, and very easy going!! He let me give him the wormer and trim his feet in about 4 minutes. Oh, good Petey boy!

So, enjoy the photos, hope you got a laugh, and I wish you a very happy weekend filled with warmth and joy!

Christmas Program

These are my lovely girls right before the Christmas program last night! I think, between you and me, that Lauren was trying to suck in the throw out her rather non-existent chest... but you know. Whatever. They all looked adorable, and they sang so pretty. It's amazing that they can all clean up so well.... especially since just 40 minutes before this picture we were all out with the goats! That post will follow.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December already??

Can it really be December already? Madelyn asked me this morning how many days until Christmas, and I couldn't believe it when I told her 23. That is crazy!

Thanksgiving at the Johnsons was fun. We had 20 people in our house. If you've ever been to my house you know how small it is. SMALL. 12 kids and 8 adults. We had a great time, but it was pretty cozy. We ate dinner, I made crafts with the kids, and did a dice game for the adults. It is fun to play that with the grown ups. This year's favorite prizes were a bottle of wine and a pair of "good" work gloves. You never know what it will be. One year it was pot holders.

I did my annual Black Friday extravaganza with my great friend Siobain. Up at 3:00 AM to leave at 4:00 AM to shop until we drop. And we did. We left Floodwood at 4 AM and weren't back until after supper. I am almost finished shopping though. I just have to pick up something for Kennedi. She is hard to buy for. She really wants babies, but is a little embarrassed to admit it. Oh well, if that's what she wants....

This week is Lauren's last week before the play she is in for the Hibbing area. Little Town of Christmas. The performances are Friday and Saturday. It isn't like our County Seat Theater in Cloquet, but it is a play and it is a good experience.

As for me, I've come down with a nasty cold. Of course. Just in time for the busy time at the Lounge and at home. But I don't have time for that, so I just stocked up on cold meds, and it'll work out.

I hope all of you are getting ready for Christmas and enjoying it! I have to try to keep up on the Wii Fit and the eliptical so that all the cookies I eat don't go right to my a**.

Happy day!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Near Death Experiences....

So, my dad told me a story today that really shouldn't be funny. But it was!

First, I need to say that I am a total Daddy's Girl. I think that my dad is the greatest man on earth. Hands down, no competition. I absolutely worship the ground he walks on. Everyone knows that they had better not say a bad word about my dad, I won't allow it. I can't imagine how my life will be without him. (Dad, I know you are reading this, so don't get a big head! haha). Seriously, I think he is the best thing ever. Sure he has some quirks, but they don't even matter in the grand scheme of things.

Apparently last week he went to TJs store and got his usual, a bag of beef sticks and a Mt. Dew. He was driving home and took a bite of the beef stick and it got stuck in his throat. He said he couldn't breath. It was so bad that he pulled his pickup over and got out and was bending over trying to dislodge it. Ok, not funny I know. But hold on, bear with me, he it comes.

Picture this, side of the road, my dad, with his one good arm, trying to give himself the Heimlich maneuver. Not funny enough? He said he was one second away from throwing himself into the ditch, thinking that the momentum would dislodge the beef stick! I can picture that, and I am sorry, but that is funny.

Here is a man that survived VietNam, against all odds. They never thought he would walk or talk again, but he did. He has survived garage fires, snowmobile roll overs, 4 wheeler accidents, falls, tractors falling into ponds, all kinds of crazy accidents. And now, after all of that, the greatest man in the world was almost done in by a BEEF STICK. What in the world??? So, rather than not eating beef sticks, he has now decided to not eat in the car and to take little tiny bites.

Oh, dad. Be careful! I can't stand to lose you. Especially in a freak beef stick choking accident!

Friday, November 20, 2009

The Trifecta Hits

So, Trifecta is one of my favorite words and I use it when I can. Now I have several reasons to use it.

Lauren got the sickness last night. SO, that makes a trifecta of sick children for me. 2 nights, all 3 girls sick. She was up for approximately the same number of hours vomiting, but it was easier, because there was one of her, she is older, and I don't have to do as much work, and hers started at 9:40 and ended at 2:30 AM. Poor kid. She is marching in the Christmas City of the North Parade tonight so she was so worried. I let her sleep in until 9 then brought her to school.

There is also a TRIFECTA of nights that I haven't slept. The night in between the vomiting Johnson Girls (that could be a sick band name... no pun intended) I spent with poor sick Auntie Helen. She had her tonsils removed 9 days ago and still isnt' feeling well. She took some medicine that made her sick and was up most of the night vomiting.... so I was up with her. Hmmm. There seems to be a trend.

It will be a minor miracle if I do not get this vomiting thing.

Tonight I will be at Tommy's Lounge bartending. Should be a good time. I am hoping that by writing down my tales of woe and vomit I won't have to regale my customers with them. They dont' care. At all. Neither do you, probably, but no one is paying to read this blog!! haha.

Here's hoping that no one else comes down with this and I have to nurse them back to health!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sickness - 2 for 1

My lucky streak of good health seems to have run out.

On Tuesday the girls came off the bus in a whirlwind of crying, carrying on, and a hint of band odor...

Kennedi was beside herself. She was crying, and nearly hyperventilating. She ran through my office, and into the bathroom and locked the door. I called through the door and tried to ask her what was wrong. She choked out that she couldn't talk about it.

Maddie then came through the door with tears in her eyes. "What in the world is going on??" I asked. She said, "Braxton threw up on the bus and it got on me!!!" Oh, gross. I asked her if she was ok. She said yes. I then asked her if it got on Kennedi. Her reply was, NO. So I grabbed all the jackets and put them in the washer.

Kennedi was still in the bathroom. She let me in and I asked her why she was upset. She said because it "nearly" got on her and she had to look at it. Now, you may not know this, but Kennedi has a little bit of a germ problem. well, a big germ problem. She cannot tolerate bodily fluids. She hates the thought of saliva. She obviously can't tolerate vomit either. She spent 10 minutes in the bathroom decompressing and getting over herself.

This was at 3:40 PM. At 11:40 PM, the girls both came into my room and said they were sick. Kennedi made it into the bathroom to throw up. Madelyn threw up in her bed. A lot. I dont' know why she didn't try to go anywhere, she just sat in her bed and threw up. I went down to strip the bed.... and usually it doesn't bother me at all, but this was really bad. I'll spare you the details, but I will say that once I got all the sheets and blankets off, I threw them OUTSIDE!!!

Every 20 minutes all night long the girls were throwing up. We stayed in the living room all night. Each girl with their own bucket and a towel. Around 2 AM Maddie got diarrhea. At one point she called for her bucket while she was on the toilet. Poor kid was going to the bathroom and heaving at the same time.

Kennedi was disgusted by Maddie because she wasn't using her towel to wipe her mouth!!

All of this ended around 5 AM. I had to get up at 5:45 AM to work....

Needless to say, those two girls didn't go to school. They rested until about 10 when, like magic, they were fine. They ate ice cream, pizza, and Sprite, and were all better. At one point Kennedi came into my office and said that Madelyn smelled like puke and I had to do something with her. So I ran a bath and they each had one. Kennedi first, of course!!

No one else got it, so I am thankful for that!!

Now, this might sound terrible, but actually, I would much rather have one night of awful-ness and get 2/3 of the kids done with at once. Lauren never got it, so it didn't drag out.... but a 2 for 1 deal isn't all that bad.

This must be a true testament to the fact that I am either (a) insane or (b) a good mom to several children. I vote (a)!!!!

Here's to your health.... and a good night's sleep for all.

Monday, November 16, 2009

New Routines

Today we are starting a new morning routine. The background for it started last week at the Hasty's house.

Eric's Aunt Helen (God Bless this woman) had to have her tonsils taken out last week. I went with her and drove her. I also stayed with her to help take care of the kids. She is raising her grandchildren. So although she is ________ years old (I won't spill it on here Auntie!!) she is raising 7 and 9 year old kids. Anyway....

When I got up on Thursday morning with the kids, they came out of their room with their clothes already on. They have their own alarm clocks that wake them up and they set them and get up on their own and get dressed in their rooms. Their backpacks were ready by the door, their shoes were ready, their coats were ready and they sat down at the table. All they wanted to know was what was for breakfast at school, and what the option was at home. They brushed their hair, brushed their teeth, said good morning, and basically waited inside for the bus. It was so easy -- I couldn't believe it.

I used to think that my kids did ok. Well, not really. I have to constantly remind them to get their hair brushed, make sure Maddie has underwear on (seriously, I have to do this), make sure they all have socks, etc. Sometimes Madelyn will sit in the middle of the floor and ask/demand that we find her socks, shoes, etc. It is madness. Eric doesn't stand for this. He simply yells that they have 15 minutes, hurry up. This causes a lot of crying and wailing and madness. I want our mornings to be happy. Truth is, it is happy for the kids, but not for me. It makes me crazy. I breath a huge sigh of relief when they leave because I put way too much work into this morning routine.

So over the weekend I bought two alarm clocks, one for each room. Last night we set them and set out clothes I and told the girls how this new routine was going to go. This morning it seems to be ok. Not as smooth as the Hasty house, but getting better... So, hopefully by the end of the week, the girls at the Johnson house will be self sufficient in the morning and I can do whatever want/need to do in the morning that doesn't involve personally dressing a 6 year old!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Blah blah blah

I have a feeling that this post of randomness wont' have any cohesion, so there is no point in pretending to give it a worthy title! But, I thought an EXTREME CLOSE UP of myself my make you giggle!!

First of all, I have to tell you that I am one of the most uncoordinated people, ever. I fell UP the stairs yesterday. I was running (there is my first problem) upstairs to get something for Eric (second problem) in my slippers (third problem) and tripped. I landed on the stair with my knee. It hurt instantly, of course, but thought I could live. Today it isn't so good. Terrible shades of purple and red with no skin on it. Great. Like I needed that!! Oh well, it's been a while since I "pulled a Kandi", so I guess it was time.

This weekend was opening hunting. Eric went to his brother Marty's house for hunting as usual. They always get together and hunt and eat and do whatever it is they do. Thank God for Kaley and her patience with them! I spent the weekend at home cleaning. If you refer to previous posts you will see that cleaning isn't really my thing. I don't love doing it, but this weekend, it really needed to get the house in order. I had an opportunity to go spend some time with my dear friends Heather, Gail and Karen, but I opted to stay home and get things done. And, boy did I! I cleaned every room in the house. It was really a good thing. However, I had to do this feat with the kids under foot. That was the impressive part. I am trying very hard to keep it clean, but we'll see how it goes.

Another reason that I got the house clean was so that I could get the elliptical machine into my house. Now, I have no room for this piece of equiment. I am the first to admit it. But, it was free, my cousin Clay gave it to me, and who am I to turn it down?! It's not like I don't NEED it, so I took it. It is currently residing in my living room. I spent 10 minutes on it yesterday morning. If you have never been on an elliptical, then it seems like 10 minutes isn't much. HOWEVER, if you have ever been on one, you know that 10 minutes is an eternity. The kids watched me, so they asked questions like, Why is your back wet? Why is your hair funky? Why are you breathing like that? Thanks kid... go away.

Tree season is going well. Eric got a contract from one of our contacts from last year for several hundred bundles and that will get us through the year. Eric is already laid off... which is very early and not so good, really. But, things will work out.

On a lighter note, I have been booked for several bartending gigs from now through Christmas. I am excited to do it, and the extra money from tips will be helpful! So, come on out and see me at Tommy's! I'll be there, and I'm sure I will have plenty of things to say to keep you entertained!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Disco Fondue Night

Last night I learned how to Fondue. I could say I learned how to disco, but really, I still don't dance all that well. I really like it, but I can't say I learned how.

My friends Jess and Tom recently opened up a business in town. They have a bar opened on Friday and Saturday nights. They do events like comedy nights, plays, dances, things like that. Last night was a Disco/Fondue party. Eric and I dressed up to go. Well, I dressed up and Eric wore brown courdoroy pants and put on some fancy gold jewelry. As you can see, THIS I do have pictures of!

So much fun. The fondue meat was pretty good. I think I would really enjoy it with cheese. I'm a cheese lover. Lots of cheese, the more the better, really. But, we had salad, and potatoes and vegetables to go with our fondue meat. Again, so much fun. Then the disco music began and Jess and I danced a lot.

Eric and I went with our friends the Rauvolas and the Duseks, but really at Tommy's, everyone kind of mingles. It's not a typical bar scene. The bar is quite small, with no bar stools. Round tables are set out to encourage talking and visiting. I really enjoy going there. In fact, I bartended there last weekend. That was a great time too.

I also had a great visit and fun time with a newly single friend of mine. I had her back and sort of told her when it was time to leave and how to gracefully exit a conversation with a man who was a little too friendly. Not sure why I know that, or how I know that... Afterall, Eric and I have been married almost 14 years! But, I do, and I did, and she's very grateful. Love ya!

All in all, it was a great night. I have posted pictures for your viewing pleasure. A few people didn't recognize me and told me I looked like a totally different person. Maybe the blue eyeshadow is a good look for me! Or it could be the Olivia Newton-John headband. What do you think?

Friday, November 6, 2009

Pumpkin Head

This post would be so much better with a picture. Really. I have one on my phone, and if I can get a cord to get it to my computer I sure will.

Tuesday morning when I went to get the goats out of the hut and fence to go on their feeding frenzy, I noticed that one was missing. It was my favorite, Frank. So, I was looking all over and was calling for her.

Finally, she ambled out of the hut, with this crazy pumpkin necklace on!! First, I'll explain that goats, like deer, love pumpkins. After Halloween we put all of our jack-o-lanterns out for the goats to eat.

So, Frank stuck her head in the top of a jack-o-lantern. In the spot were you dig out all the guts. She must have eaten her way through the face part, you know, where you carve out the eyes, nose and scary grin. Then she was stuck. So, this large pumpkin was stuck around her neck. Apparently it was there all night! Hysterical. I called for Eric to (a) see it, and to (b) remove it. We laughed for a while and then he broke it off of her. She was shaking her head and walking sort of strange. She was also yawning and moving really slowly. I suppose she had a hard time sleeping with that on her head!!!

Silly goats.

Another Goat Parade

So, the goats had a play date yesterday!

I got a phone call from my neighbor yesterday asking if I was "missing 5 goats". I said, well, I'm not sure if I am missing them or not. I am working and haven't looked outside lately. She said well they are over here in my yard. The neighbors live about half a mile away with two fields between us. I said, well if they aren't bothering you I'd like to let them stay. She agreed that it was ok. I kept an eye on them over there throughout the day -- I could see them in the field. She called again in the afternoon to tell me that they were being really good. (ummm... ok, thanks?)

I sent Eric over there on the 6x6 to pick them up. They ignored him! He didn't bring food or anything; but he called them and called them and they looked at him like he was crazy. Then Eric had to go to work.

So, after I got done with work I jumped on the 6x6 and drove across the field to get my goats. All I had to do was drive over there and say "Hey Goat Girls" and they came running! Once again, I was the Grand Marshall of a goat parade. They came running and chased me all the way home. Crying and running all the way. Silly goats!

I put them away in the fence, gave them some hay and grain, and a few buckets of water. Within 30 minutes they were all sound asleep. Oh, silly goats! I just love them!!

Virus recovery

So, you may think that means our family had the swine flu. Nope. Not yet. My beloved computer contracted a virus.

Now I hate to place blame on anyone (Eric), because I know that viruses can really happen to anyone (Eric), but I have never gotten a virus in all the years I've owned a computer. Ok, enough. It is back now. Thank goodness! It's been a long long week without my computer!

I'm back and I have plenty to talk about. Stay tuned!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Tree Season

Usually Eric's tree season starts in Septebmer. Over the past few years we've hit some major bumps in the road. I will not go into it. If you want the full scoop, feel free to talk to Eric; but I hope you have several hours and a few beers! Ha.

Anyway, we haven't begun to cut or anything yet this year. Yesterday Eric got in touch with someone that wants 100 bundles at the end of today. That's 1,000 trees. Obviously we said yes. We need the money. However, we have nothing done. So, it has to get done, TODAY.

This morning, we are all going out in the woods! Eric, Kennedi, Lauren and I are "suiting up" to hit the swamp. Luckily for me I have to leave the woods at 10 to go to my parents and to a benefit.

I have always avoided going out into the swamp. Usually I help with tying the twine and counting things out. I am not cut out for physical labor. That is why God gave me a brain. I can't do physical stuff. But, in order to do this mini-contract, I'm willing to do anything. Lauren and Kennedi and all ready to help haul trees and apparently so am I. I have real doubts about how helpful I will be. Eric is practically giddy with the thought. I am not. But hey, what are you going to do? This needs to be done. We need the money.

So, here we are, 7:15 on a Sunday morning, heading out into the swap. What a family bonding experience. Go ahead, laugh it up. I would be if it weren't so damn sad.... ha ha ha. Oh, by the way, Madelyn is at a sleep over, or we'd be hauling her with too...

Thursday, October 22, 2009


I have to admit it. I like TV. A LOT.

Since we got our DVR, I like it even more! I can watch all kinds of shows that I never got to watch before. For example, Gene Simmons' Family Jewels. Ok, I know, it sounds ridiculous. But, give it a try! It is simply hysterical. The man is a riot. He seems like a pompous ass. He truly does. But his family is so funny. And Gene is a huge dork. He gets himself into the most insane situations. And, he wears footie pajamas. I kid you not. Big, red, fuzzy footie pajamas. The Demon, in footie pajamas. If for no other reason, watch it for that. It's something else.

I also love reality shows. All kinds of them. America's Next Top Model? LOVE IT. We watch that one a lot. So much, in fact, that at the end of last year, during Kindergarten Graduation, when all the little kids got up to say what they wanted to be when they grew up (most said doctor, teacher, ballerina, etc.) Madelyn said a Fashion Model! So cute. She even did a "Tyra Strut" back to her seat. Really really funny. I have the picture of that.

We also watch the Biggest Loser. I am both inspired when I watch it... as well as hungry! For some reason I always want to eat when I watch that show... hmmm. The Food Network also has some great reality shows, like Amazing Wedding Cakes and Chopped. We like Top Chef too. What is funny about the Food Network and cooking shows is that, I HATE COOKING. So, I'm not sure why I like those shows.

For dramas, I like Grey's, Private Practice, House, FlashForward, Mercy. I love Glee. That's my new fav. So fun. I also am really liking the sit com, Modern Family. Some of the lines on that show are so funny that I have to pause for laughter, rewind to hear it again, then continue.

Without DVR, watching all these shows would never be possible! But now, I can record them and watch them on my days off, when no one else is home. Thank goodness for DVR and public school!!

And, for a TV freak like me, I just got the all time greatest gift in the mail... an invitation to be a Neilsen family! Yahoo! Once when I was young, my parents got one too. For a whole week I wrote in the journal what we all watched. Although, it was very simple then. One TV, 3 channels. Well, 4 if you count PBS. I'm not sure how I'll do it this time. But the "pay" has increased. When I did it 20 years ago, they gave you $1. Now it's up to $5. But I have 3 TVs, a DVR, and cable! Oh My. I can't wait!! I am sure that they will take my suggestions to heart, and all of my favorite shows will live to see another season. LONG LIVE GLEE!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mom's Taxi. Flu. Snow. Oh My.

What a week!! This week has been nuts. Seriously. I don't know what it is, but it seems like every single day it's been something. I guess that keeps me busy, but for goodness sake....

First off, I need to say that I'm very sorry to my friends, Jen and Jessy, for the loss of their Grandmother. She has been battling cancer for the past few months and finally last night she lost that battle. Thankfully they were able to be with her. I talked with Jen tonight, and it's incredible the steps that all dying people take, and how it's like a checklist. Although they are all grieving, we know that she's in a better place, and was surrounded by the people that loved her. The funeral will be on Saturday and we will definitely be there.

Tuesday marked the last day of Fidgety Fairy Tales practice... thank goodness! It's been a long road. There will be performances this week... tomorrow I am driving the girls at 6:40 AM to the theater to meet the bus. We will be traveling to Barnum and Carlton for performances. Then Lauren has to perform at the theater. I was supposed to go help my friend Janelle do some work in Duluth; but my sitter is sick. (Hence the FLU statement at the top of the page).

The MOM part of the title is for all the running and mom stuff I have to do this week. Lauren is running crazy with the play. Kennedi has a party this week, gymnastics this week, and also two playdates. Madelyn has a birthday party, a playdate, and has been grounded from TV for two days. Seriously? What a week with those fools.

The goats -- they hate rain, and water, as you know, if you've been reading at all. Well, they also hate snow. I know this because it snowed here today! LOTS of snow. A couple of inches. Or so. I'm not very good at measurements..... but that's my best guess. So, the goats hate it. They are crazy fuzzy and strange looking right now. I will go get a picture of them. They look sort of scruffy. I need to go find them some hay so they can eat. I was hoping that they would be ok with grass for a while longer; but not if it's covered in snow!!

I will close this with a really funny Maddie line: I saw our old daycare provider, Amber on Sunday at the store in town. Maddie got to see her too... When we got home, Maddie said "Mom, can I go see Amber and play for a while? I dont' want to sign up for anything... I just want to play". I just cracked up. She doesn't want any committments. At age 6. What a nut. Love that kid.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Busy Times

I can't believe it's been so long since I posted anything! Sorry about that! Don't want to bore you all away. Ha ha.

Things have been so busy here. After the retreat I spent a few days trying to make up for being gone. Spending extra time with the girls and reading books, catching up on homework, etc. I should have been catching up on cleaning, but that didn't happen!!

On Wednesday, Lauren's play finally came to Floodwood. They did a great job. I was very disappointed, however, in the administration of the school. In fact, I am going to write them an e-mail this week. At every other location, we have been greeted by the principal or the superintedent, and have been treated like royalty. We have been welcomed, and sometimes even given free lunch. We have been introduced to the kids, and the kids have been told how to be good listeners, they have facilitated a question and answer session, it's been a big deal. When they got to Floodwood.... nothing. No one there to greet them... except me. No administrators, nothing. In fact, neither the principal nor the superintendent ever showed up. It was sad.....

Then right after the play I took the girls to Black Bear for a fun night of swimming and hanging out with Auntie Helen. It was pretty fun. I didn't get much sleep, but that's ok. Totally worth it.

I had to work on Thursday -- I dont' know what I was thinking!!! it's been crazy here.

Today we had to go to a funeral for a friend's father. It was not easy. He died of cancer. I was telling Eric that we needed to go to the visitation and the funeral because this family, the family of Tom Farrell, has been so good to us through all of our (Eric's) losses. Eric looked at me and said, "Kandi (and he NEVER says my name; always honey, or whatever), I am not going to another cancer funeral at the Hope Lutheran Church". I said, well, ok. Visitation then we're out of there.

For those of you that may not know, Eric lost both of his parents, 3 years apart, to lung cancer. Both funerals were at that church. 2 years ago, his brother died in a car accident. Same church for the funeral. So.... it's not easy for him. Needless to say, we did the visitation, hugged the family, and we left.

Today I'm going to clean. Again. My cousin Clay is giving me an elliptical machine. That might kill me. Ha. No, I want it. But, there is no place for it, so I am determined to clean until I find a place for it.... wish me luck!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Doesn't that title sound blissful? Ha ha ha.

I'm leaving in the morning for a scrapbook retreat. I am going to a place called Waters Edge Retreat Center in Santiago (I think that's the name of it) near Princeton. I'll be meeting some of my favorite friends there. Gail, Beth and Heather. I'll be missing my great friend Karen Sharon of scrapbooking fame though. This time around, we are just guests, and not planning the retreat.

They are really pretty reasonable, as far as price goes. I paid for this one a long time ago, I think in July. It was $135. I will be staying there for 3 nights. There are 12 people at this one. We are in charge of bringing one meal, but there are 3 of us doing the meal. We stay for 3 nights, 4 days and visit, drink, scrapbook and laugh. My friend Siobain calls it a lesbian luau. She can't see the joy in it. But, I think it's awesome. I need it this week.

I have a little guilt sometimes when I leave for so long; but usually something happens with the kids or Eric that makes it very easy for me to leave. For example, as we speak (or really as I type) Madelyn is crying and throwing herself on the ground because Kennedi won't let her play Wii, Lauren is blowing her trumpet in my ear, and whining because she doesn't want to practice her piano....

Retreating.... sounds blissful, doesn't it??

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hair Weekend

As I sit here typing this my hair is covered in dye. Done by my favorite colorist of all time... Eric! Early this year, we decided that a good way to cut corners financially would be for me to give up going to get my hair colored at a salon. By we, I mean Eric. I told him that was fine, but he was going to have to color it for me. He didn't flinch. He basically said, bring it on. So, here we are, almost a year into it, and he's got the gloves on, and I'm watching the time. Crazy, huh? I think so. When I went to my last scrapbooking retreat, I scrapped a page about it, and the ladies all laughed and told me what their husbands would do to get out of having to do their wives' hair. Tonight, Eric mentioned that my hair was getting really thick again, and maybe if I bought some thinning scissors he could cut it for me. I think I'll have to draw the line there!

In other hair news, Eric no longer has any! He has been losing hair for a long time. He's always wanting Rogaine, or Hair Club for Men, or other crazy products to get it back. It's been getting so long and crazy, he was starting to look like Albert Einstein! I've been begging him to get a haircut since AUGUST. So, we're about 6 weeks past due for a haircut. On Saturday morning I told him that he absolutely HAD to get his hair cut before the employee party at the golf course. I said either a $10 haircut at Cost Cutters, or I would do it. Well, he went into the bathroom and said he'd do it. I stood there and watched him cut a strip of hair from ear to ear. BALD. With his beard trimmer. I had to leave the room! He's insane! And bald. It's crazy. The girls went nuts. Maddie can't quit rubbing his head. Lauren is mortified. Kennedi whispered that she hopes it grows back in time for the Father Daughter ball (that's in April.....). I sort of like it. He thinks he has a great head..... no self esteem problems for my husband!

So, there's how our weekend was.... hairy!!


Happy Sunday!

I am up and getting the girls ready for church. Actually, they are finally old enough to get themselves ready. I just have to make sure that:

A: Lauren hasn't snuck any makeup on, and that she isn't wearing too puffy of a bra that she claims fits, but we all know better.

B: Kennedi is not wearing shorts, or the same pants she's worn all week.

C: Madelyn has both underwear (clean) on, as well as clothes that fit her and cover all parts of her body.

Other than that, it's not too bad! They all do a fairly decent job of getting themselves together. If they are up early enough they can eat before they go, and that's a plus. Otherwise, by the time we leave church they are starving. One Sunday Madelyn asked us all to save the communion bread for her, because she was so hungry! Umm, pretty sure that's not what communion is about sweetie.

The weather is definitely turned for fall. It's been cold and raining all week. One day I brought the girls down to the bus. Not because I wanted to, but because they guilted me into it. They were all, "Mom, it's cold, it's windy, we can't stand out there, blah blah blah". I caved. I didn't want to, but I did. I hope it's not a habit!!

Eric should be starting in the woods soon. We are waiting to hear back from some people about the numbers they want. I hope they are high, and that we can have a successful year. Ever since we severed ties with our former tree person, it's been a tough road. He didn't make it easy for us. He had us black balled from all of the connections that we previously had. So, we had to make new contacts. I did. But we weren't cutting the types of trees they liked, so we had to take a very low price for our trees. It was very disappointing. But, I hope that this year will be much better. If we could cut and sell 1500 bundles, it would be very very helpful. Eric would love to do 3000, but I could settle for 1500.

The goats are doing great. I have been letting them out of their fencing during the day quite a bit. They ate all of the good grass, and the crappy stuff too, in the first week. So, I let them out to graze, and eat for a few hours every day. Since the fence came, they haven't felt the urge to wander. Thank goodness! They are getting very fuzzy and starting to have funny winter coats. I love it! I believe that this is the week that Pete gets separated. He will be 3 months old on Thursday. We don't need any accidents! I want goat babies....lots of them. But NOT until June!

I hope every had a great weekend, and is ready for October!

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Along with school starting, comes the germs. And, Maddie got them first. That doesn't surprise any of us. She's not our most hygenic child. Eric gets so mad about that. He is obsessive hand washer, bleacher, cleaner (see previous post on cleaning). But, it happens.

On Monday I had to go get Madelyn from school because she threw up. She came home and had a 101.2 fever. By nighttime it was up to 102.5. All day yesterday she layed around and napped and watched TV. She had a fever all day that was up over 100. I did call the doctor and they said that they aren't doing any tests for influenza or H1N1 because it is so prevalent right now. Unless she becomes extremely ill, they just want me to keep her home and hydrated. GREAT.

Not that I don't feel bad for her, I do. And, keeping her home is no problem when she's feeling ill. But, this morning at 5:00, she woke up and felt PERFECT she said. No fever, nothing. So, today ought to be a real treat. She has to be away from people until 48 hours after no symptoms. So if today is a symptom free day, she can be around people on Saturday. So, it's me and Maddie today and tomorrow. DELIGHTFUL.

When you are young, and thinking of having babies, you never think of sick kids. You don't think of how they feel when they have a fever of 102. You don't think of how it feels to have them throw up on you. You don't think of how badly you feel for them when they are burning up and throwing up and pooping their pants. I wonder how teen moms do it? How in the world?

I remember coming home from college with one of my first migraines. I was 19. I hurt so badly, and the only thing I could think was that I needed my mom. So I went to my parents room and climbed into their bed. They slept in a double bed... and there I was, 19 years old, sleeping with them while my mom rubbed my head. I think that's the sign of a good mom. It might sound strange, but even now when I get sick, I just want my mommy. Thank you mom for being a good mom, and for always knowing how to take care of me when I was sick. Even if you were gagging while you cleaned up our messes. I knew you would take care of me!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


These photos were in the Duluth News Tribune today! They were taken last week when I went with the girls to the performance of their play at Lowell School in Duluth.
Lauren, Marissa and Megan have been in a play called Fidgety Fairy Tales through the County Seat Theater in Cloquet since early August. They were some of the lucky kids that got parts in the Teen Theater production. They are among the youngest kids in the production. Most of the kids are 13-16. Our girls are 11.
Marissa is the daughter of my friend Rena and her husband Neil, who happens to be Eric's first cousin. The girls have grown up together. I consider Marissa my niece, and she calls me Auntie Kandi. Rena and Neil and Lauren's godparents.
Megan is Judy and Neil's daughter. Judy is Eric's sister. This is the first major play for both Marissa and Megan. They did do the community play in Floodwood last year. They did a great job, and sort of on a whim decided to try out with Lauren this year. They are doing a fantastic job. I think everyone is getting a little burnt out. We travel at least twice a week to Cloquet, Carlton and/or Duluth. But, I think it's well worth it. I guess. Ha ha.
If you want to read more, go to and check out the article and more photos!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Deworming the goats

I finally broke down and dewormed the goats. I'm not sure why I've been putting it off so long. I guess for the same reason I was waiting to give Pete his vaccination. It is a little fear of the unknown. But, it was no big deal.

The best part was having Eric help. I had asked a few friends if they would help, but they all declined. I was surprised, thinking that they would agree just for the experience. Huh, guess not. Eric didn't want to help either, but since he lives here, and he's my husband, he didn't really get a choice. He didn't have to do anything, just help me hold them. He's pretty squeamish about it. He held their collars. I wanted him to get behind them and hold them for me, but that wasn't happening.

So, after I gave the stuff to Frank, and it was a bit of a disaster I got smart. I stood over them, opened their mouth, put the syringe into their throat, held their tongue over, stuck the meds in their mouth, held their mouth closed and massaged their throats. Eric was gagging every time I pulled my nasty fingers out of their mouth full of goat spit. He was thoroughly grossed out. It was really really funny.

So, that's over for a season. Eric did mention that no matter how large the herd gets, he will never ever deworm them himself. He will grab their collars and stand with me, but that's where his help ends. Thanks, Johnson.

Great Expectation

Ah, the day after. Ha ha. So, yesterday was my birthday. I am 35 years old. I remember thinking that 28 must be ancient and I couldn't fathom ever turning 30. Yet, here I am, 35. Closer today to 40 than 30. I know a lot of you that read this are laughing thinking that you only WISH you were 35 again. But hey, this is my blog, and I get to write what I want! ha.

So, I started celebrating on Thursday with some friends. It was a surprise, I had planned on staying home. So, I expected nothing, had a great time. Maybe too great! But, I digress. Friday morning I got up and found a box of wonderful gourmet chocolate covered strawberries from my friend Kris. They are so good. Shhh, don't tell the girls, I still have a few stashed in the fridge! I went to Hibbing, had lunch with Kris, then came home to get ready.

Friday night, my friends came to get me. I had no idea what was planned, but I expected a lot! I had fun, dont' get me wrong, but alas, our driver was sick; like the flu or something gross, so I ended up home by 11. Not a bad thing, let me tell you! I had already had plenty to drink!!

Saturday, my actual birthday I got to go golfing with my parents and Eric. My friends at the golf course decorated a cart with balloons and signs for my birthday. My mom ordered a sheet cake and we all had cake and about 10 different people sang to me throughout. So fun! In the mail I got a beautiful bird book from my sister (with a note saying: Happy Birthday you old geezer, I had to go find this in the senior citizen's section). She thinks my bird watching along with my love of polka and goats is very elderly. Anyway... my mail box was also filled with card from friends all over. It was so fun. I had thought I was going to go out again on Saturday night, but that didn't pan out. It worked out ok, but not as I had expected. Again.

A good friend once told me that I am destined to be disappointed a lot because I have expectations of people that they cannot possibly live up to. I expect people to be like me. I expect them to think like me, to have the same thoughtful qualities that I think I posses and to show it, at all times. That is not reasonable. I know this. I do, but sometimes, I can't remember it.

So this year, this 35th year of my life, I am going to try not to expect so much. I am going to be delighted when things surprise me. I'm going to be thrilled when I get unexpected things. I'm not going to expect people to be like me. I'm not going to be surprised if I get disappointed. In fact, I am going to try not to get disappointed! What's the point? Only I can make myself feel that way. And, most of the time, people have no idea they are doing it. This isn't directed in any one way, it's just a little bit of a deep, introspective post for a Sunday morning. I didn't go to church today, so I'm making my own sermon.

On a lighter note, I have lost 26 pounds this summer on what I am calling the goat diet. Not goat meat, but chasing goats. Being outside. Being mindful of what I'm putting in my mouth. So, perhaps I can keep that going. This might be the year!

My kids are wanting me to take them across the road to the not-s0-friendly neighbors (refer to previous post about runaway goats) today. I have cake, so maybe I'll take it over there and see if they are friendlier when I bring food. But, I am not going to EXPECT anything......

On al

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I love when my house is clean! Is it ever clean? Ummmm, not often. Eric likes when it's clean, and he's a neat freak. Poor guy. He got stuck with me. Actually, I often wonder if my house would be cleaner if I had more room. We have a running debate about how large our house actually is. I'm sure he's right, but I always say it's 22' x 22'. He says it's 24' by 26'. Ok, does it really matter? You get the point. It is SMALL. There are 5 (FIVE) of us living in this house. our basement houses the girls. And the laundry room. And storage. And the freezer. And the tools. We have no garage. The main floor has my office, a bathroom, a kitchen, a living room and a dining room that has a piano and a buffet and my home computer in it. For furniture we have a couch, a chaise lounge and a recliner. It's packed. Upstairs (we have a 1 1/2 story) is just our room (more storage really, with a bed in the middle) and a bathroom with a tub and toilet. That's it. It's cozy, to say the least. There are things in all spaces. We get by, we do. I don't mind the close quarters, most of the time. But there is no where for all of our stuff. The older the girls get, and the more they accumulate, the more stuff there is. EVERYWHERE.

So, today, Eric and I spent 4 hours cleaning together. I cleaned corners and dusted and cleared off all surfaces. He washed floors, walls, and bleached stains out of the carpets. I know, right? The man is amazing. Strange, but amazing. He said, and I will quote "How come I'm the only one that ever bleaches the floor and washes the walls?" I said, because you're the only that cares that much.... it's true!! Seriously. If there was visible dirt, grime, or marks on the wall, I'd totally wash it. (maybe not TOTALLY, but probably... maybe) If I catch the girls spill something, I'll clean the spot off the carpet. But, I will not take a pail of bleach water and crawl along the carpet with scissors and a rag and clean the carpet and cut out spots. He does this. The carpet is 15 years old, it's lived through 3 puppies, and 3 kids. When we redo the house next year, it's gone. But, he has pride. The man is a saint.

He made me promise not to lose the motivation when he went to work. Not to sit at the computer (oops) or take a nap (not yet) or get into some reality show (none on tonight). So, I should end this now and go find another place to declutter.... perhaps my office.

If I could have gotten away with it, I would have taken a picture of my wonderful husband on his hands and knees with the bleach and scissors trying to resurrect this carpet. Maybe next time!!

Monday, September 21, 2009


I added a bunch of photos along the side.. take a look!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


My sister told me that this would be my year. I would have it made. All of my girls would be in school full time. I would finally have free time for myself. Then I had to go mess it up and buy a herd of goats. What in the world was I thinking???? She was right of course, she usually is!

But this weekend, we finished a project that will allow me a little more freedom from the beloved herd. A fence. A beautiful, well constructed, heavy duty, goat fence. Not that I am disillusioned enough to believe it will hold them in forever. But this evening, I'm pretty happy! I do NOT have to go put them away. Tomorrow, I will not have to let them out. They have a little "goat door" that they can enter and exit at will. Ah, bliss.

The goat dream has been with me for a long time, ever since my dad had goats when I was a little girl. But, Eric was never on board. This spring when we were on our way to go get my Grandma in Chicago, the dream was rekindled. We decided we'd take all back roads to get there. It took 14 hours. I know, it's really about an 8 hour drive. But there are a lot of farms, and things you can't see from the freeway! Along the way we decided that goats would be a good thing. I knew that if I didn't strike while the iron was hot, I'd be lost to the goat dream forever. So, when we got home I hurried up and did some research and some digging and I got Frank and Maggie from the Watsulas in Meadowlands. No fence, nothing really prepared. Dad bought the collars, the bells and the original tie outs for me to get started. If I had waited for a fence, we would never have gotten the goats. So, after all of that, five goats later, and now it's late September, we have a fence!!!

Luckily, Eric and I work well together. The fence took 16 hours to construct. It's not that big. My husband, to say the least, is a perfectionist. You probably won't be able to find a straighter fence line in all of St. Louis county. Or maybe the state. He has a crazy eye for this stuff. We were so very lucky to have my dad here to help. I just can't say enough about that man. He is such a trooper. He stood here with me and Eric and listened to our crazy ideas and the way that we thought things should go, and he kept his mouth shut. Dad built fences for years, and knew just how they should go, but he let Eric go on and on about how he wanted to do it. My dad is an amazing man. Dad and I sat on the pickup at one point and watched Eric tell the girls to sift through the dirt to put in the holes to pack around the corner posts. He was telling them to sift it in and pack it in gently. We were laughing that if we had built fences that way, we'd both still be on the farm building fences! I'd have never met Eric and we'd have buried all the animals... before the fences were done! haha. Even though Eric is a perfectionist, it pay off. The fence is gorgeous.

And, a big thank you to Uncle Marty (Eric's brother) for coming to help yesterday afternoon. He and I did a lot of the wrapping of wire onto the posts last night. It was a huge help to get that done quickly. Plus, he's so much fun. Eric really appreciated his help too.

On another note, last week was a tough one for me. My poor family. I had NOTHING good or nice to say, that's why you didn't see any posts from me. A really bad bout of PMS precluded me from saying a word. I bet my family and friends wish I had been silent too! haha.

I will be posting photos from the farm. New fence, new pics of the goats, pics of the girls. I let Kennedi take the camera so we'll see what that has on it.

News from the girls: Kennedi starts gymnastics this week. She's really quite good at it. She's in the top class this year. Maddie was in it the last few years, but this year she's not. She's not the most coordinated Johnson. Not as bad as me.... but.... She's holding out for ballet! ha. Lauren is still working on her play for the Fidgety Fairy Tales that will be traveling all over the Northland. Her first performance is at the Lowell School in Duluth on Friday.

I will be 35 next weekend! Gasp! I have great friends that will be taking me out on Friday night. Golf on Saturday, possibly out again Saturday night.... then who knows. I hope to make several days of it. I love that crap. Eric loves it too. Takes the pressure right off of him if my friends will do it and he can just stay home and watch kids. I'm ok with that.

Hope you're all enjoying the wonderful summer weather. I think this has been the best 3 weeks of summer.

Oh, here's a shout out (doesn't that sound stupid? I just had to say it though) to Mike of Pine Acres Fainting Goats for showing a few of his goats at a show a few weeks ago! He had some great success! Yay Mike! on the opinion page. That's Tigo's original home.

Happy Sunday Night to you!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Long Weekend

While not technically a long weekend, mine sure was!

On Friday after a day of trying to rid myself of a killer migraine, I had to chase down a rogue herd of goats. They ALL took off. That was fun. Not so much. They were about half a mile away, and I finally got them with the 6x6. They saw me and ran after me. I wonder if they were lost? At any rate, they sure seemed glad to see me! Once they were all home and tied up, we headed out to get Lauren sound-checked for the wedding. She did a good job at rehearsal and we got home at a decent time.... 9 or so.

Saturday we all got up and got ready to get to the wedding. The weather was really warm and muggy. But at least it didn't rain. The wedding was in the "red-neck" category. The bride and groom were aware of that fact. They had camouflage hats and shirts for people in the wedding party and the invites suggest cowboy attire and told you to "BYOB". Hmmmm. Lauren did a great job of singing the two songs, Mama He's Crazy by the Judds when everyone walked in, and What a Difference You've Made in My Life by Ronnie Milsap as everyone walked out. We stayed for the food and then left by 2:30. We really should have done something productive once we got home, but we got some Netflix in the mail....

We watched the movie Fireproof with Kirk Cameron in it. It was sort of a Christian marriage type movie. It was good, and it had some good points in it... but it wasn't a movie that we were expecting. So the next one Then She Found Me was supposed to be a comedy. It had Helen Hunt (LOVE HER) and Bette Midler, Colin Firth, Matthew Brodrick... star studded. Again, not so much. So that was sort of a bust. Ended the night watching Practical Magic with Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman on the Oxygen Channel. At least we knew that was a winner!

Today I NEEDED to get something done. So we cleaned and did laundry all day. Eric did the kitchen, cooked lunch, mowed the lawn. Wonderful. I cleaned the living room, bathroom, dining room, basement, and put away all the kids' clothes. The girls cleaned the goat hut. We've found that the best bedding for them is the lawn clippings! We love using the lawn sweeper that dad gave us and cleaning up the lawn clippings and using them for goat bedding. The goats love it, and it is free and easy. All the girls like cleaning the goat hut for some insane reason, so more power to them!

Oh, and the goats took off again today. Across the road to some camping hunters.... the girls went to get them. I've found those people not so friendly. Ok, before you judge me.... I did not know where the goats went when I told the girls to go look. I also did not tell the girls to go over and talk to the not-so-friendly people and ask for our goats back. They did that all on their own. however, it was a good strategic move, because said not-so-friendly hunters were nice to the girls. They asked the names of the goats and said that the goats could go there and eat anytime. Well, if we could just get that fence up..... if Fence Posts were free, and rain was chocolate.... wait, where was I going with that?????

Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday Morning Rambling

The end of the first week of school has arrived. Our old routines are definitely here. The girls are no longer up before me. They are no longer helping each other get ready and no longer excited to get one another on the bus in a nice, clean, orderly fashion. They aren't happy to get their first homework. They aren't thrilled that I bought them new school clothes. Their excitment may be wearing off, but mine isn't! I still wave to them with the same glee that I did on Tuesday! Good bye girls! I love you! Have a great day! See you again in 8.75 hours!!!!!

On the goat front, Tigo is settling right in. I think she has super-human, er, super-goat strength, though! One night while putting her away in the hut I tried to pair her with Frank, who is my favorite. Frank is the one that thinks she's a dog. She will actually come and lie on my lap, yes, my lap, when I sit outside. Well, that was a huge failure. They got into a big fight, kicking and butting heads and throwing one another against the sides of the pen. I moved the iron bar and Tigo burst out through the door I was holding. She literally plowed me right over. Well, ok then. She slept alone that night! Yesterday, after being home on the Johnson Farm for 3 days, she pulled her stake right out of the ground (a feat that our dog has yet to accomplish) and took off again. But, luckily for me, not through the woods this time! This time it was just to join the herd. They accept her as one of them, if not ignore her a bit. But, she seems happy with that. She definitely can stick up for herself. She is not picked on. At all. So last night we just let her roam free. When it came time to go to bed she went right into her side of the hut and was just fine. So, all of our goats are once again, Free Range Goats. Makes it easier for me. Eric is not too thrilled, so I keep telling him that he needs to get that fence up!!

Lauren is singing at a wedding tomorrow. She is a little nervous about how it will go since it is outside, but other than that, she is ready. She has the rehearsal tonight, and then the wedding tomorrow. The wedding has a cowboy theme. She will be singing "Mama He's Crazy" as the bride walks down the aisle, and when the bride and groom walk out, she is singing "What a Difference You've Made in My Life". I always love watching her sing. This is the second wedding she's been asked to sing at. She's also been asked to sing at a funeral, and she's only 11! Keep it up, and I can retire and enjoy my goats early. Haha.

One last topic to discuss this morning. 9/11. I won't go into too much detail, except to say where I was and how I felt. I heard about it on my way to work at Forrest Hutchinson's law office that morning. I was 4 months pregnant with Kennedi. My sister-in-law Kaley was going in to have her second son, Tristan, via C-Section. I walked into work and grabbed a TV and set it up in the conference room. We sat stunned as we watched the story unfold. I rubbed my stomach and prayed. I remember thinking what sort of world were we bringing babies into. What would happen next? Where would the next bomb go? Eric called to see if I was watching. I remember thinking that I wish I could be closer to him to hold him and feel safe. Lauren was at daycare, and I called just to tell her I loved her. It was such a scary day. Not a day to be productive or away from you family. I was blessed to work where I did, so that I was able to process the drama and traumatic nature of the day. Also, the pregnancy hormones didn't help! God Bless all of those people that risked and lost their lives to save others on that day. God Bless the children who lost their parents. God Bless the parents that lost their children. I hope that no one ever forgets the tragedy, and how in the months to come it brought our country closer together.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school! Yahoo! The girls were all so excited. Not as excited as me, but pretty excited! In fact, I got up at 6 so I could wake up and get the kids up. They were already up on the couch waiting for me! The bus comes at 7, so they don't really need to get up until 6:20, but they were excited!

Lauren is going into 6th grade... last year of elementary, and in her words, this year she is going to "rule the playground". Yeah, it did take all I could do not to bust out laughing.

Kennedi is going into 2nd grade and she is worried about her purse... She's such a little fashion plate that she wants to make sure it's just right for the outfit. She has chosen a lot of cute clothes. She has a good sense of style, so that's helpful. She is pretty particular.

Madelyn is finally in 1st grade. All day every day school for her! Whooppee! She is worried that she'll get a "dress wedgie" and that her undies will fall down.... oh my Maddie. She is pictured up there showing off how to find out if you'll get said wedgie.

Today I should really get a lot done; but I might just rest. Relax, catch up TiVo... yes!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Antigo -- the Homecoming

I think our beginning herd is complete! At least for 2009. I will not be bringing any more goats into the fold.

Our lovely little Antigo, the fainting goat has arrived here at the Johnson Farm! Welcome Antigo!

She had a rough start. Well, she probably didn't mind. I did. We went to Pine Acres to pick her up this morning. Thanks so much to Mike Schmitz for showing us around his goat farm, and for the care package of stuff for Tigo. I'm sure once she's settled in, she'll appreciate it. Anyway, we went there to pick her up and brought her to mom's. That is where the fun begins.

Lauren put her collar on her, and I lifted her out of the kennel and set her on the ground, I went to snap on the tie out.... and (can you see where this is going???) it didn't clip. And, Tigo made a run for it. Did I mention that Tigo (pronounced Teego) is a fainting goat? In theory when they are nervous, startled, or excited, they are supposed to stiffen and either fall over, pass out, or something. Apparently Tigo means RUN FAST AND FAR, because she sure didn't slow down.

Picture this: Small goat, running fast. Three girls, running fast. Said girls screaming and crying because said small beloved goat is running away. Youngest of girls yelling and practicing all of her scare tactics hoping to slow down said small goat. Bringing up the rear of this goat parade is totally amazed mother. Said totally amazed mother is wearing a pair of crocs whilst running after all of these "kids". Up the road, through the neighbors yard. Stop, apologize to neighbors, make small talk while trying to calm kids and keep an eye on fainting goat that doesn't seem to faint. Said goat takes off again through the ditch. Parade continues through the ditch, back up to the road. Youngest child again begins to wail because she's afraid small goat will get run over. Mother contemplating the merits of this as a slowing tactic as she's running to keep up with goat at breakneck speed. Middle child is running and limping because she is not wearing shoes....

... meanwhile Grandpa is back at the house looking all over for said small goat. Cannot find anyone and tells Dad that Kandi and girls must have taken the goat for a nice walk. Eric's response: "Uh-oh. That's not good". Yep, he's right. That's not good. Eric starts looking for tracks. Grandma gets in the car and starts looking and listening for signs of goat parade....

... back on the goat trail: Said small goat has led the goat parade onto an abandoned scary property nearly a mile from my parents. We are sneaking around trying to SCARE the goat once again. Note, SHE IS STILL NOT FAINTING OR SCARED, but she is quick! Now, she's again running into the woods. The oldest child is remaining surprisingly calm. We are trying to communicate through the woods where I am still wearing this worthless pair of CROCS and getting cut and scraped by the brambles. But, we can't lose this #)&%@)(*$#% goat. She was not free. At this point we send middle and youngest child for help. We decide it's impossible to surround a goat with only 2 capable members. The goat is just too darn quick.

FINALLY, the goat comes up against a stream. Goats are famous for hating water, although looking into Tigo's eyes, she was debating about ending it all and just going for it. To be honest, I was almost going to encourage her! Just kidding. I would have jumped in after her. Luckily, that wasn't necessary. She hung out on the bank, partially tangled in some vines, while I climbed over to her. I picked her up, she is not light. Good thing she has no horns! As I haul her out of the woods, my mom came up, laughing her a** off. She at least brought the car so I could have a ride back.

We finally got Tigo back to my parents and she spent the entire afternoon hiding in the brush. Poor baby.

Once we got home, she decided that she would wait to see what the herd thought of her. At first they ignored her, and then she wanted to meet them. Frank greeted her nicely and they seemed to bond. Pete seemed attracted to her until Maggie "told" him to leave. Gympy ignored her. Maggie, true to her Queen B status was mean. But, Antigo is getting a little more familiar with us. She is not as friendly as the others were, but she's a baby, and had a rough day!

The sleeping arrangements are as follows:.... Pete and Antigo are in the small side. Hopefully they are bonding. Maybe not too much... haha. I hope Pete is still a big young for serious bonding. I was going to put Gympy with Tigo, but she got an attitude and gave her a shove, so I put her on the "mean girls" side. So, we have Frank, Maggie and Gympy over on Mean Girl Lane. Hope they all make it tonight and no one is worse for the wear. Except me. haha.

Tomorrow is a new day, and I think everthing will settle down. The girls start school, and we can get a new routine. Maybe Tigo would like to meet Tillie. If that doesn't make her faint.... nothing will!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Shopping -- and friends -- with a little goat mixed in

I am done, and I am spent. I finally finished shopping, for everyone. I took Haylie and her friend Sydney to Albertville yesterday. We got to the outlet mall before it opened at 10, and we didn't get back to Floodwood until almost 9 PM. What a long day! But, it was fun. The girls were really good and really respectful. They tried to go shop on their own, but they ultimately needed my help for jeans. I told them at Old Navy that I was now "driving the bus" and they were going to stand in that dressing room until they got jeans that fit. They each ended up with 3 or 4 pairs of jeans at the end of the day, so I guess that worked!
My girls are also done. I took Lauren on Thursday, and she got finished too. She was pretty easy to go with. We took Marissa too, and she was easy to shop with. I'm lucky that all the girls have good friends.
Speaking of good friends....
I got to spend some time with my good friends when I took Haylie and Syd to Alberville. We spent the night in Elk River and I met up with Gail, Beth, Karen and Heather. We sat at Buffalo Wild Wings for about 4 hours. We had drinks, and food, and lots and lots of laughs. Our waiter, Colin, spilled salsa on me and Karen. Unfortunately, he didn't comp us anything. That was too bad, especially since he spilled an entire vat (ok, a little dish) of salsa on our pants.
My friends thought it would be fun to stand on their chairs and clap and sing Happy Birthday to me. Hysterical. I got a free ice cream treat and my name announced on the loud speaker. Mortifying, but a little exciting too. That stuff doesnt' usually happen. So funny.
Today I'm going to hang out at my mom's and then tomorrow we get our new goat. I think it'll be the last goat we purchase for a while. My mom is getting it for me for my birthday. She is a fainting goat. her name is Antigo. Maddie is already practicing her "Scare Tactics". watch the blog for more updates on her.
Happy Labor Day and enjoy these last few days of summer. I will personally enjoy the first day of school more than any day this weekend, I can PROMISE that!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Today I had a golf tournament with my mother and our friend, Peggy. What a great day! It was warm, and sunny, and beautiful. we have done this tournament for a few years now, and sometimes it is miserable. It's usually the first Tuesday of September. Last year it was so windy the ball fell off the tee a few times in the wind! The year before I wore my jacket on my legs like pants, and golf gloves like mittens.
I am not a good golfer. I manage to hold my own, most of the time. But, I am fun! And Funny (scrappin' friends!). So, I go along for comedic relief. My mom and I do a few tournaments a year together. The ones where she really wants to win; she does not invite me! My mother is an excellent golfer. Lots of people know her, and know that she is good. She's a ringer. I am not. I have no natural ability, at all. None. Zip. Zero.
In fact, a few years ago my dad was worried about why I wasn't getting any better! He even took my mom aside and asked her, "why isn't Kandi getting any better at this game??". I simply don't care. At all. I'm just happy to get out. But, because it was worrying my dad, and I do no like to like a fool, I started to try.
Today was fun. We won our flight! We actually won money! And, in a crazy act of luck, I took $20 and brought it to the casino, and won $100! I now have enough money to buy all of my fence posts for the goat fence. What a great day! Thanks mom! Thanks Peggy! Thanks to Haylie for babysitting, for for Eric for always supporting whatever craziness I get myself into.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lazy Days

How can lazy days feel so good; and so bad??

Today Eric and slept in. Then we got up, and did... nothing. We watched a show on the History Channel called Pawn Stars. Awesome. When that was over we contemplated getting off our butts to do something. We thought better of it.

We then watched several episodes (gotta love the DVR) of Gene Simmons' Family Jewels from A&E. If you have never seen this show, you must watch it. We laughed so hard. It is really a great show. Finally around 4:30 we decided to do something.

Note it is now 5:15 and I'm updating my blog. This is after I checked my Facebook, played several games of Bejeweled Blitz, checked my text messages, ordered three songs on iTunes (Say Hey, (I Love You); Convoy; and Boom Boom Pow). Oh, I did throw in a load of laundry, and Eric is cooking hamburgers on the grill. That we bought. Pre-pattied.

So, it's been a great day, but I feel terrible! I could have just wasted the last nice warm summer day of 2009!!! But, it felt so darn good..... There is another summer coming. Another nice day. Another day to be productive and wander around the yard. The kids will only be good and play outside together with demanding our attention once. We will only be in the same mood at the same time (lazy) occasionally. My laundry will wait. The floor will still need to be swept and vacuumed tomorrow. It all works out.

Maybe I should take a nap......

Saturday, August 29, 2009

School Clothes Shopping

It's almost September. Yay! Except for School Clothes. I have never enjoyed school clothes shopping. Even as a kid. But, as a kid I didn't like it because I didn't like how clothes fit. Now I don't like it because of how much clothes cost!

However, I do really want to make it a fun time for the girls. One of the "hottest commodities" in our family is alone time with me. So, I'm going to take them each individually. Which, in my opinion, is even worse! But, I digress.

Today is Kennedi's turn. She has a very distinct style. She will not buy clothes that I choose if she doesn't like them. She just refuses. She likes little tailored things. She likes things that are very specific. And expensive. Her $100 will not go far. It will be a stuggle. But, she's easy to go with, she doesn't whine, she won't run off, and she appreciates me.

In case anyone wants to buy her something, her shoe size is 1, her pant size is 8 slim, and her shirt size is 7/8 or 10/12. Just kidding. Unless you're not.......

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Golf League

Tonight was my last night of golf league. Possibly for good at 29 Pines. I LOVE that golf course. The owner, Rocci Olson is a very good friend of mine. She has made the course a beautiful, family friendly place to go. Women's league, however, is a whole different story.

There is just something about a group of women together that something is not fun, to say the least. For the past few years, it's been nothing but a big fighting mess -- people are pretty jealous of how well my mom golfs, so they make comments, they change the rules just so that we can't win, it's really ridiculous. This year, a woman has made my mom miss out on several wins for prizes; and she's the one that's taking over next year. We don't really care about $14, or prizes, but it is the principal of the matter.

Some of the original reasons that I started golf league were so that I could golf with my mom and grandma every week. This year it turned out that I couldn't. Another reason was so that I could get out of the house. As much as I like to get out of the house; it isn't fun like it used to be. If I am going to hire a sitter, leave the house, drive 45 miles each way, I had better be having a great time!

Like I said, I love golfing at 29 Pines in Mahtowa. I love my friend Rocci. I love golfing with my mom (who beats me EVERY SINGLE TIME) and grandma (who won't be around forever, she's 84!). But, I don't have to do that on Wednesday nights with a bunch of women who are cranky and out to get us every week.

Anyone want to golf on Mondays??

First Farm Accident

Today marks our first farm accident, well really it was just an incident.

Lauren was bit by a goat. It was Gympy. First, I should preface this by saying that Lauren is a bit of a drama queen. I guess that is an understatement! I should also preface this by saying that Gympy has had a rough 24 hours. It's her first day here, and the other goats have not been nice to her. She doesn't have a collar, the other goats are mean, she has been ripped from her home, her friends, her family..... are you beginning to see where Lauren gets her drama from????

Ok, so Gympy is on the wood pile and Lauren was petting her. The other goats start to go after her, Lauren tries to hold her... by the face... and Gympy takes a bite out of her arm. I had a hard time not giggling. She did leave a mark, and it was funny. Lauren's comment was "of course it had to be Kennedi's goat!". So, I guess I should file an incident report with the rancher. Wait, that's me.....

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Why I Decided to Blog

So, why did I decide to start blogging? Lots of reasons I guess.

First, I have a lot of stories! I seem to tell them over and over again, which I love. But, I think more people need to know them. Like the one about Lauren locking the goat in the truck. Did you hear that one? You should!

Also, I always hear of people writing things in their journals. I simply don't have the desire or urge to sit in bed, or anywhere for that matter, with a paper, and pen and physically write things down. Not gonna happen. But, I am on the computer a lot. So, if I do it here, it will leave a record. People will know what I was thinking.... what I was feeling. I will know what I was thinking and feeling. I'm leaving a record, a legacy. So, I can print it, stick it in a book, call it a journal. Good.

Another reason is so that I can have Kari read it. I love to talk to her but with all of the crazy stuff going on in our lives (cue the circus music) we sometimes don't get to have deep thoughts. Jack Handy anyone? So, maybe this will help.

All of that being said, I hope that whoever is reading this will find it worthwhile. I hope that I can keep up with it. I hope you find a grain of truth in it. I hope it will inspire you, make you laugh, maybe make you cry (if that is my intention!) and keep you coming back!

Blessing to all of you.


Day One of the Herd

Well, I guess I'm going to start blogging! It's too long to put on Facebook, and let's "face" it, not everyone wants to know my stories. Not all 219 of my "friends", at any rate.

Today I doubled my goat herd. Pete (our token male member) and Gympy came to join Frank and Maggie. I always thought that Frank was the dominatrix, if you will. Not so much. Maggie is really a brat! Wow. I was amazed at how pushy she was. I had never seen the girls use their horns before today.

Pete is just 6 weeks old, and is as tall as the girls. They are 7 months old! Amazing. He's going to be a big stinky boy. Haha.

I was really happy to have my dad here today. He was here when I got home from the goat farm. He has a lot of knowledge and information about goats. And, things in general. He sat with me and we watched the goats for hours. Eric was here for a little while when they came home. He made a divider for the goat hut so that Gympy and Pete can be separated from Franka and Maggie for the night. And, ultimately when he is old enough to procreate and we don't want him to.

So, I guess that's all from the Goat Ranch for tonight. I just put them to bed, and now I have to clean the house. It's a little payback to Eric for humoring my goat project!